The Mysteries
Of the Rosary according to Kerry...according to the
Curt Jester, thanks to
Mark Shea's blog.
What burns me even more than Kerry's flagrant (and imbecilic!
Pope Pius XXIII?!?!?!) hypocricy is the thought of the Catholics who might vote for him because they don't know what the Catholic Church teaches. Yet another reason I'm grateful to be part of catechetics. We've had our education stolen from us; it's time to reclaim our rightful inheritance of the full deposit of faith! Who was it who said (Moliere?) that a man hates what he thinks he knows...or something like.
Moreover, there are those who are upholding the "separation of Church and State" sacred cow in this whole Kerry issue. Look, folks, before going into "separation of Church and State" the simple fact is that
Kerry is going around being rather
obnoxious about being a "Catholic in good standing." The simple fact is, he isn't. More to the point, he
really, publically isn't. You can't claim to be something and then not be that thing. He might as well claim to be of African decent - he might at least be able to pull the "we're all from the Mesopotamian river valley" anthropology with some conviction. But when you're loudly proclaiming that you are a Catholic "in good standing" with the Church, and then go and vote against life...well, the simple fact is you're automatically NOT in good standing. Imagine a fire fighter saying that he was a great fire fighter, and then the record shows that he's wanted for arson. Yeah - it's like that.
As for the "separation of Church and State" (hereafter known as SOCAS):
1) It isn't in the constitution or the declaration;
2) It was written in a letter from Thomas Jefferson to his friend;
3) Even if we were to continue such a (technically) unconstitutional separation, how can one expect to separate the self? The self is simply a creature of both mind, body AND soul - hence matters of Church and State are inextricably linked within the self as the mind, body and soul are linked. Truly, when the soul leaves the body, we call this death. Think on that.
4) Hence, every man will, does,
and should act according to his conscience. The trick is to make sure the conscience is fully formed. A baby doesn't realize that when she pulls on her mother's hair, it hurts her mom. By the time we're of voting age, we're supposed to have figured out that our actions have effects on other people. But we continually act as solipsistically as that baby:
we're not the ones being aborted;
we're not hurt; ergo, the baby that we're
ripping to shreds is HAPPY?! C'mon America - grow up.
5) The point of the SOCAS, as far as I can see, is meant to make sure that no one Church runs the state AND (and this is the part no one likes)
that the State DOES NOT RUN the Church. However, in practice, we're seeing the rights of the Church and of her faithful trampled - in the name of separation. (What was that about divide and conquor?) Kill the "sacred cow" folks - the SOCAS as it is currently practiced is killing the soul of this country - we are committing a slow, social suicide, both physically, mentally and spiritually.
6) We've been taught for the past generation or two not to "discriminate" - however, discrimination is precisely what our country is lacking. In our desire to welcome all people, we have let go of the very thing - that is our faith, bound up in hope and charity - which allows us to welcome
anybody. We need the ability to discriminate between right and wrong, between good, better and best, between what will give us life and what will kill us. If "anything goes" then
everything goes. To keep life, we must discriminate against death.
On a slight tangent, I was thinking yesterday (in the shower - some people sing, some people ponder) about whether it would be possible to simple find a tract of land and start a Catholic country. However, it seems that all land has been claimed in one way or another (darn Age of Exploration), hence the only way to claim land would be to attempt to make an arrangement to purchase it (a la the Louisiana Purchase) or, failing that, to declare a land for Christ...and then to defend it. I begin to understand the Revolution. Such a thing would cost life - for I do not think that
this Union, anyway, much less this so-called "civilized" world would be willing to part with its land peaceably to those people they desire to annihilate - that is, people of faith. More and more, I'm beginning to feel rather like the Jews, just before the ghetto. We must stand up for ourselves, and more for the souls of each person living and yet to live. If we are silent, we doom ourselves to destruction.
Mood: Nnngh - stupidity!
Music: Gladiator - a break from
Shrek 2
Yucky Days: Make me put on my contacts