The sporadic ramblings of Emily C. A. Snyder - devoted to God, theatre, writing, and much randominity.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Host: "Hamlet to Hamilton: Exploring Verse Drama" | Founder: TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS | Author: "Cupid and Psyche" "Nachtsturm Castle" & Others | Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghost Ship" (Boston Metaphysical Society)

Monday, July 05, 2004

Preeeety sad

That this is the third time I've blogged today. Guess I'm making up for the height of various play seasons. Anywho, I'm taking a quick break to ease my back because...

(((drumroll, please)))

I'm actually cleaning my room/apt/thingy! Now, granted, my bed is currently Covered In Stuff (TM), since it's the only really available elevated space, unless I wanted to mes up my chest of drawers, which I just spent several hours cleaning off in preparation for its big move from one wall to another and which is now happily arranged with stereo, jewellery boxes and candles. I forced screws into the wall where the chest had been and so hung up supports and a pole between them and am hanging up my clothes on this temporary closet. The good thing is that my clothes are now not folded neatly but more or less inaccessably on two bits of cardboard on my floor. The bad thing is that my back is killing me. And the light beside my desk can't filter through clothing, making the section nearer my bed a little darker. But that's OK because I have neat flower-shaped lights down that end, anyway. The thought of somehow putting a PVC or other pole up across the center of my room and then stringing it with curtain appeals once again. I may think about that more seriously - but not actually DO it for another year (presuming we still have this house - damn money!). Alas, the dust is kicking up my allergies. But all in all, am quite impressed with my single-mindedness on the task at hand and at the rearrangement of items to make All Things More Habitable. Ta.

Mood: Paaaaaaaaaaaaaain!
Music: Beauty and the Beast Special Edition DVD. However, I'm thinking of changing over to actual music or scrounging around for a commentary I haven't heard. I just finished The Mummy Returns commentary track. Not bad.
Thought: I have a LOT of candle holders....


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