The sporadic ramblings of Emily C. A. Snyder - devoted to God, theatre, writing, and much randominity.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Host: "Hamlet to Hamilton: Exploring Verse Drama" | Founder: TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS | Author: "Cupid and Psyche" "Nachtsturm Castle" & Others | Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghost Ship" (Boston Metaphysical Society)

Thursday, July 08, 2004

I Hate Men

No, no I don't actually. But that's the song on and I had insomnia until 4 a.m. (ugh) and so I'm prone to Freudian slippers (courtesy of Kristen) at the moment...oh look! A butterfly!

  • Warning: This post has absolutely no depth nor content.

  • Look! A quiz!

    Which chicago Character Are You?

    Brought to you by Faytrial

  • My hair is wet. I have showered. My clothes are clean and currently in folded disarray on a disarrayed bed. It is raining outside. So we are all wet together.

  • No one's heard my song for Brosche. Yay! I'm not plagarizing!

  • I want a party. This is a new desire for me. A select party - but a party, nonetheless. Not a "party party" - but more like a Steubie-U party. Sigh for the put-off Steubenville Day!

  • Doing crew for the Savoyard's summer show. I realized it's been since FRESHMAN YEAR since I've done real crew work. Good Heavens! Good to keep one's hand in.

  • Rewatched most of Pirates. A few thoughts: it's better than I thought (I'm such an epiphany fish!); it's more staid than I thought; it's more G&S-y than I thought; I didn't do any major anachronisms so it's more period than I thought; IT came together and so will KMK.

  • This is the tenth (significant) play I've put on (excluding pageants, skit shows, farces, etc.). It is my seventh full-length play and my seventh written by someone else. It is my fifth musical/opera. It is my eighth comedy. It is my second produced-by-someone-else production. Yet...I feel like I've been doing this forever. So it's odd - frightening - comforting - to realize that I'm still fairly young with everything I'm doing. Pas mal.

  • Must do blocking for the Act Finales. Should probably eat at some point as well. First finish and print schedule and send off and call Moe....

  • Ich bin Willy Wonka.

    Mood: Bizarre - it's raining outside.
    Music: KMK Act One Finale
    Thought: Must finish Rosary.


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