The sporadic ramblings of Emily C. A. Snyder - devoted to God, theatre, writing, and much randominity.

My Photo
Location: New York, New York, United States

Host: "Hamlet to Hamilton: Exploring Verse Drama" | Founder: TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS | Author: "Cupid and Psyche" "Nachtsturm Castle" & Others | Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghost Ship" (Boston Metaphysical Society)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Comtine d'Un Autre Ete

(To see/hear this piece played, click here.)

How do I love this piano piece, let me count the ways. So much that I'm putting it on repeat. When I hear this piece, I almost invariably think, not of Amelie, which it's from, but rather of a quiet apartment in some city - perhaps Paris, perhaps New York - where a husband and wife are going throughout their day. He reads the paper, she waters the flowers - and everything is still in that little space in the city. Still, and yet not wholly well. Because they don't speak to one another - they haven't truly spoken in so long - merely read the paper, watered the plants. Time seems to pass them in a blur as they remain the same and the world outside them speeds past. The wallpaper crumbles, and they remain the same. Until...the woman takes a tenuous step towards the man. Her hand caresses the shadow of his chair. Something flickers, something luminous, the pace of the world and the pace of the room come into harmony for a moment. And then the moment passes, the clock winds down - and dies.

Someday I'll choreograph this piece.

Anywho, loverly day of last holidaying. Spent most of day in Boston, despite rain and lack of theatre. Mucho fun and delightful company. Came home in rush hour; stopped by mall and into Nino's; communed with dinner and the journal; and then home home to commune with Mother and the world outside and the world to come and all the fears and anticipation of such. Twelve days until T-minus-1-and-counting. BEEEZAAARE. And yet....

The song's still on repeat. Perhaps not the cheeriest of tunes, more melancholy and thoughtful. And now it seems to be myself by that window on that rainy day, as the waterdroplets - congealing, spilling, slipping, dropping - wend their way down the wavy pane to further obscure, enlighten, and reveal in miniature the strange and wonderful world outside. If I follow with my finger a single satin streak of the Heavens' heavy dew, I find it meet with other rivulets, wait a while, and then meander once more towards the beading on the windowpane. It seems perhaps my own direction informs the little droplet's path, or that the droplet has bound me to itself. For down we go, splashing at last upon the crude and curling wood, to disrupt, perhaps, the wet and sodden wings of some new-fledged starling.

C'est bon. Alles gut. And now to my retirement for the nonce and for the night.

Mood: Bon bon bon - mieux, tres mieux, merci.
Music: Hrm - time to change out the song, non?
Thought: Since no man of aught of what he leaves knows aught, what is it to leave betimes? The readiness is all. Let be.

Monday, August 28, 2006

A better blog

Late have I loved You
O Beauty
Ever ancient
Ever new!

~Saint Augustine of Hippo

Today is St. Augustine's feast, whom I love dearly. Yesterday was his Mom's, St. Monica's feast, and tomorrow is the feast of the martyrdom of St. John the Baptist. Oh Lord, please send graces! Oh saints, please intercede for me! Amen!

And for a great intro article to Augustine and Monica, check out Amy Welborn. Good, uplifting stuff.

To read more about Monica, Augustine and John the Baptist click the links.

Mood: Mrwm
Music: None, but various machinery going off
Oh, and if you need wonderfulness: Check this out

So it begins

Have downloaded all the performance tapes of Hamlet - the little ones, the whole show; ours, just the first half. A bit concerned about space. May need another external HD. C'est ca. Finances, finances. Had loverly dinner with Jills and Jules last night at Fridays (what does it mean when the wait staff recognizes you...?) - good to get out. Today and tomorrow, then Wednesday. Must finish up last bits of curriculum. And in further randominity, our Cardinal Sean O'Malley is wonderful. Lord, bless him. Amen.

Sorry this is so full of - ridicklwacklness. As for pictures, they're on the upstairs computer, which I can't currently access through the network for some obscure reason. Eventually, precious. Sunny today. Alleluia.

Music: White Houses
Mood: Mieux
Thought: So here's to you, Mrs. Robinson - don't ask. It's a complete non sequiteur....

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Enjoys Long Walks the local cemetary... the afternoon...

...with her brother....

(Hrm, may need to seriously rewrite that!) No, but in good sooth, went for a stroll with Johnny down and around the neighbourhood, even going into Maplewood cemetary, all the way to the non-existant trees (sniff sniff - d--n houses and their gorgeous tree-felling nefariousness! I sound silly; I'm actually ridiculously miffed. One doesn't do that to trees that are huge oaks and grown over a stone wall. Honestly, people! Some sense of aesthetics and wonder!) and back. Going to confession and mass later today. Need to get there muchly - which is why I'm dragging my metaphorical feet - which is why I must get there more urgently. Reading The Last Hero by Terry Pratchett - goooooooooooooood stuff. Since I have no impending deadlines on me, am bored to my gourd. (What an odd phrase - I wonder where it came from other than its inherent rhyming properties?) Am transferring over files, etc. to make room to download Hamlet footage. God bless the Courmiers! Saw Step Up yesterday - obvious fluff but fun. Got me belting out "Luck Be a Lady" on the drive home. In driving lately, am reminded of just how beautiful Massachusetts can be. Must not lose goodness of walk. Dear Lord - amen! Keep Your Hand over me - amen! Lest I betray You with a kiss - amen! Praise God from whom all blessings flow - amen! And there art thou happy, silly little Emily - a-double-men! (Looks, briefly, like abdomen. Isn't eyesight to brainsight weird?)

Mood: In Him
Music: Hamlet Definitive Act II (aka post-intermission) - probably isn't helping anything!
Prayer: Oh, Lord, for motivation! Amen!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Had a Lovely Time

And now we must scream. Getting over jet lag, but some highlights: Dublin, Dublin, Dublin, St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral and the Fires of Gondor, Padre Pio following me around, Knock, Cong, Glendalaugh and the forest surrounding it, the countryside, Earnest, and most of all Jules. Drove just fine on the wrong side of the road. Still don't like beer, even if it's Guiness. Tea is lovely until there's six cups of it and no end in sight. Didn't realize how much I've come to rely on cell phones until there are none to be had. Do love visiting cities and being all boho. Forgotten just how good gelati is. Yay for credit cards. Yay for signposts pointing towards adoration chapels. Yay for great sermons. Yay for little old English ladies who are nothing to look at and therefore more beautiful for their true beauty. Yay for Dominican sisters in habit without their upper dentures who are absolute dears. Yay for twinkly eyed old men. Yay for that forest - really really gorgeous forest. I mean, as in I want to just stop here for a few days and stare at trees, that beautiful. Very Lothlorieny. Mountains I'd never want to climb but love looking at. Lovely air, too - in that part of the country, anywho.

More later. Must pick up Pete at band camp. Still a bit disoriented being back in the States. Alleluia, alleluia.

Mood: Meine knee ist kaput
Music: "So You Think You Can Dance" music - just watched the finale
Thought: Thought? What thought? I'm home. Trying to adjust to Rip Van Winklism. Uber-post-trafilflue.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

A few very cool photos

Before I flee the country. Ireland, here we come! Moors! Fields! Sheep! More sheep! Too many sheep! Get these darn sheep off the road! More fields! (And sheep!) Jules will paint, I will (hopefully) be inspired to write - poor, neglected, man-eating Twelve Kingdoms! Much frolicking will be had. Temple Bar district will be conquored - as well as possibly Wilde's Earnest. Distant relatives met, and left-handed dyslexia (hopefully) a boon in driving. Here's a toast to not leaving anything crucial in the states, easy customs, and mucho brogues that were wont to set a table on a roar. (No - no! Out, out, durn Hamlet!) "Here's to parties we tossed, to the games that we lost, we shall swear that we won them someday...."

But before I pack the final bag (I swear - it's like getting the room together after Austria. Only without the cheap, cheap wine and more importantly, without the sheep - SHEEP!), a few of the amazing Jules' amazing pics. We swears it precious, she is faboo. In no particular order...and everything, as always, clickable to enlarge it....

Or, just go over to the ever-expanding Hamlet Photoalbum.

Mood: Yikes!
Music: Apocalypta "Nothing Else Matters"
Thought: For this relief, much thanks.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Oh, man

Miss it already. Strap in for post-play.

Had fairy tales running through the brain last night. Tales about a heart too large for the breast, about beasts and loss and return. Now to finalize stuff about Ireland. Should prefer to vagabond it, but 'tis better not to. Pray for peace twixt both. Just rented car. Yay for visa. Final strike in a few. Bizarre.

Mood: If you want to destroy this sweater
Music: Whoa-whoa-whoa
Thought: Hold this thread as I walk away
Addendum post strike: I'd forgotten the other part of Wendy.

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Greatness. Sorrow. Anger. Satisfaction. More sorrow. Peace.

Waiting for the waterworks.

Strike tomorrow. Prep for Ireland. Know I'll love it. Hate hate hate prep - I'm such an...immobile. (The mobbled Queen, that's good.) Time happens too soon. Desire Heavenly time now. All is good. God is good. And that's the end.

Sometimes, I hate hate hate time. And yet, it's crucial. It's a gift, I know. I'm grateful for all it brings. And yet, although I strive to cherish what I have whilst I have it, I cannot help but grieve when it passes in this passing world. Oh, God! I so desire to be outside of all this, or rather more fully in all this, without it ever going, and without my ever changing from that cherishing of the cherished moment. How disgusting that part of our fall is the boredom or anxiety or fear that creeps into those moments we should treasure most! And now time beckons me to bed (as this fell sargent, death, is strict in his arrests). I can no more. Would these tears would come. (How grateful I am, now, that I let tears come!) Oh, God, God, God!


Mood: Cleft
Music: None - and were I put some certain ones on, I should break into a million pieces now
Prayer: Lord, let me love. Amen. And thank You.

Friday, August 11, 2006

News to Me

So, lots to write, but since I just took me out for a drive and then realized a mile from my home that I wasn't fully aware which pedal was the break and which the gas (I mean, I knew, I was just spacing), I shall be brief. (Bed beckons.)

Who knew? I pass on this secret to any who ever put on Hamlet themselves:

As soon as the actor who plays Hamlet utters "To be or not to be"...everyone shuts up.

It's remarkable. It's fantastic. Huh. Weird. But now to my mother (tee hee, no, to bed). Got through the first night. Was more on-edge and jittery for this play than for any other play I can remember in recent history - or possibly ever - right up there with Salome. Utterly free-falling, terrifying experience. Because suddenly you're aware that you're putting on Hamlet and oh my God, what the hell am I doing? But it's like in Life, the Universe and Everything - so long as you don't notice the ground, you can fly.

Mood: Importunate, indeed, distract. Her mood must needs be pitied.
Music: Mental "The Attic" from A Little Princess
Goodness is: After opening night dinner. Yes, precious.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Wish us broken legs

T-minus 19 hours and counting to curtain up. This picture Jules did and manipulated we'll be taking orders on for posters. Yee-haw! Now, Lord, about that volume and enunciation? (Not to mention audience, finances, You know.)

Awesome dress. A few snafus - OK, ginormous Miss Snyder tried not to flip at certain folk who eventually came through so really just one big giant snafu - at the top, but everything eventually fixable. And good. So good.

Now, no cockiness. Focus. And manicures.

Mood: And miles to go before I sleep
Music: Mental "Decorating the Dummies" by Philip Glass
Good insight by: Barbara Nicolosi

Oh yeah, I had an epiphany the other day. About Gen X and the Millenials. I was up late watching a documentary on MSNBC about homeless teens in Portland, and I was marveling at their lack of interest in anything that might be a normal human life.

And then it popped into my head: they know it's all over and they are waiting for the call to battle. They are just killing time waiting for something to die for.

It's not that they don't understand modern society. It's that they do.

BOO-YEAH. Once more unto the breach, dear friends!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Walking on Water

First, an amazing article. If you wonder why priests need to devote the whole of themselves to ministry, check out: The Cafeteria Is Closed: Portrait of a young priest.

Next, wrenched Mom and myself to mass again this morning. And, lo and behold - despite wearing jeans and my Hamlet t-shirt - the seminarian Marty asked me if I'd be willing to lecture. I was more than willing - I love lecturing (OK, no teacher jokes here. Seriously, I mean it) at mass - because I feel I more fully participate. And the windows across from me are beautiful. And it's an awesome privilege to be up there wit Him. Anywho - so I said yes. And it was good. And I sang the "Tantum Ergo" while everyone received communion. I considered singing the Reponsorial Psalm (you're technically supposed to), but the congregation seemed decidedly non-singy.

While going over to Mass, Mom actually gave me a mini-homily about the Gospel for today. Yesterday, we began with Jesus having just learnt that his cousin, John the Baptist, had been gorily beheaded by Herod. Naturally, Jesus is more than a little grieved by this and he tries to go away to pray and get Himself together. But the crowds follow Him, and He sees them and has pity on them and voila multiplies the loaves and fishes.

That done, that evening Jesus dismisses the crowd and dismisses the apostles and sets off high into the mountains to pray. Apparently, He's up all night, when somewhere between 3-6 a.m. He knows that the waves are choppy and that His apostles are out fishing - even though He's several miles from the water, and they're several MILES out into the water! He shows up and even though the sea is roiling, begins walking towards them.

The apostles are totally spooked by this. They shout "It's a ghost!" (See, Hamlet creeps in everywhere!) and completely freak out. (I can see them now, big old brawny guys, weeping like babies, grabbing hold of each other, gibbering - it's been a rough day. Anywho....) Jesus calls out to them, and Peter - good old Pete - says, "No! It's the master!" And then, being a smart dude (at least at this moment) he says, "Master, if it is You, bid me step onto the waters and walk to You!"

Now seriously, if that were me, and I thought this might possibly be a ghost, I wouldn't ask it to prove itself to me by asking me to do something fatal. But Pete the Impetuous does. Jesus says, "C'mon out! The water's fine!" and Pete steps out of the boat and starts walking on the water.

Let me reiterate: PETER WALKS ON WATER He does it. He's stepping on the stormy waves. He's moseying about. He's like "la la la walkin' on the water, no biggie. Hey Jesus, wazzup?"

Of course, a minute after that his brain kicks in and he's like "I'm walking on the wha...?"

But, as Mom pointed out, we often focus on Peter's lack of faith - but he did it, he walked on that water (and remember the boat was several miles out and we don't know how far Jesus had gotten). He had the faith to believe that it was the Master, and then to follow His instruction, and to do the impossible.

And then, yes, his so-called "practical" brain kicks in - the doubting one, the one that says, "You can't do this." The faith-slayer. And he sinks. Again, as Mom pointed out, when we sink, we don't sink slowly. If we go under - we plunge.

BUT, then it says that immediately He was there and lifted Peter up. (Jesus really must have been jacked - we have the bones of good old Pete and he was no small pickings!) Immediately. And they walk back to the boat together. Walk back to the boat on the stormy seas.

So, God, that's what I'm claiming. I'm not as great as St. Pete, but there are stormy seas here, God, and I've been walking just fine and now I'm staring down and going "What am I doing? This is an impossible thing!" But immediately You are here, I claim it.

I'm guessing Peter was shaking on his walk back with Jesus. Big old burly Pete. I just love that man. A man of infinite faith and infinite stupidity. St. Pete, pray for me for that sort of stupid faith that lets me walk on water. Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief. Amen.

Mood: Graced
Music: On Your Porch
Thought: What's left to lose/You've done enough/And if you fail/Well then you fail/But not to us
Really should have: Recorded Polonius, Laertes, et al saying "No! Really! I love tech week!"

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Mood: Two masses and confession - good
Music: "Thank You" by Dido
Picture Courtesy of: The amazing Julie
Added to note: If anyone is doubting themselves, check this out.
TO SEE THE PICTURE ON-LINE or to link to it, click here.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Some more articles on-line

  • The Item

  • Hudson Sun

  • Metrowest Daily News

  • Action Unlimited

  • And of course, don't forget to check out our Hamlet page with information, videos and more!

    Mood: Just waking from a restless nap mehey
    Music: Dryer
    Prayer continues: Oh God - amen!

  • So we got through (most) of the play

    Last night. (Most here meaning that we skipped a few Polonius/Laertes/Naomi scenes due to those actors not being there. Y'know, Lord, just once? Full cast before the last minute? Anywho.)

    However, I have Apocalypta's cover of Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters" in my brain. Am going for use of instruments - esp. strings used as percussion (including piano) - which is slightly off for much of the background sound of Hamlet. Realized I've been living intensely with this play for over a year now - since last summer - with a slight break for Nutcracker and then an unscheduled one for Matchmaker and then intensely back where I began. No wonder I feel like a woman several weeks overdue in the very very intensely going to die but I can't even begin to imagine what the poor actors are going through so I'll quit complaining but dear Lord, some air conditioning would be nice please way.

    Godspell from Arts Alliance tonight. Looking forward to it (love the musical, but even better, it's a break from current thoughts - a way to cleanse the mental palate). Hung out a bit in the wee hours with Johnny which was loverly - mucho talk of music and chord progressions and getting over writer's block to simply get lyrics out there finished off by hysterical laughing over 80's and 90's awesomely bad love songs.

    Everything is going super well for where it's at. But weekends are from God. Clear the brain - be able to look again at what's happening - rest - relax - recoup - get strength back (even mental, emotional, not just physical) and then once more unto the breach, dear friends!

    Mood: Sleep-eyed
    Music: "Flying" by Cait Agus Sean
    Prayer: Dear Lord, amen.

    Thursday, August 03, 2006

    From this time forth

    My thoughts be theatrical or nothing worth....

    So, tonight begins tech. We're putting in tonight. Tad stressed, as always, and about to go upstairs with Pete to rummage for a few things we still need. Got up early this morning for voice with Tambre which went very well, and which was good to be up early. So praise God for that! Have "Believe Me Natalie" by The Killers on - good song! Got through Act III last night - stumbled a bit here and there and began 20 minutes later than desired, so all in all good timing. Poor actor folk, however, it must have been like running an emotional marathon for them! Oh, we need an audience now. And all our cast back together again, but that's impossible until Monday. C'est ca. Right, attic here we come.

    Before going, a few brainless quizzes:

    Your Inner Muse is Euterpe

    You are most like this muse of music.
    While you may or may not be musical...
    You love music and set life to your own personal soundrack.
    And you are good at making anyone's heart sing!

    Oui, c'est vrai.

    You Belong in Rome

    You're a big city girl with a small town heart
    Which is why you're attracted to the romance of Rome
    Strolling down picture perfect streets, cappuccino in hand
    And gorgeous Italian men - could life get any better?

    Mmmmmm, Rome. Country of good taste.

    Your Famous Movie Kiss is from Romeo + Juliet

    "Has my heart loved 'till now? Forswear it, sight! For I never saw a true beauty 'till this night."

    Hwell, I shouldn't have chosen this form of the play, but I suppose the Shakespeare was inevitable.

    Onward and upward. Gonnamakeitgonnamakeitgonnamakeitgonnamakeit.

    Mood: T-minus three hours and counting.
    Music: "Blue" at the moment. Curiously, iTunes is telling me its my most played song. Not terribly surprised. Gooooood song. Yay Joss!
    Frustration is: Not having a good book to read. Took out Elspeth last night and was wildly frustrated and disappointed with it. Looked up Poityr which is better but which...ahem...peters out too quickly. And TSV is barely delved into at all. Grumble.
    Goodness is: Improving in vocal/breathing technique. And setting up fall lesson time - huzzah!

    Wednesday, August 02, 2006

    O, I could be bounded in a nutshell

    And count myself the King of Infinite Space
    Were it not that I have bad dreams....

    So, it was bound to happen. Tonight/this morning marked the apparent end (or interruption) of anxiety dreamless sleep. Tonight/this morning was full of some bizarre Hamletesque related somnolent nonsense, which I don't quite remember, except that it extended to the entire community and the theatre about and something about Godspell's dress rehearsal (Honestly! It's enough to have my own anxiety dreams - must I have another's as well? %P), and something about the Ghost, and I really don't recall what all except that it Wasn't Pleasant Peacefulness.

    Stayed up until a ridiculous hour darkening Going Under - however, haven't the footage to make it really dark. Will bring camera tonight to make really dark. Dear God, please bless tonight's rehearsal! Let it go really really really well, amen! Feel a tad paralyzed - nothing atypical - but "Run" by Snow Patrol is on - goooooooooooooooooooood song. All will be well, all is well, and thank God for air conditioning and kindly folk. Amen!

    Mood: A week to dress. What do you think?
    Music: Regarde en haute.
    Lyrics: Light up, light up
    As if you have choice
    Even if you cannot hear my voice
    I'll be right beside you, dear

    Tuesday, August 01, 2006

    Weekend Update

    In true bulleted style:

  • God bless Kristy and Mark. Beautiful couple! Yay Kristy!

  • God bless meine HH schweisters, Annie and Maria, two better roommates one could not ask for. Some highlights: listening to Annie's uber-large collection of Irish music, watching snippets from Nutcracker, just being together, singing together (esp. Annie on alto harmony - fwah!), seeing Maria catch the bouquet, taking the Steubie-U pic, and all else.

  • The wedding went very well. The music went well as well (which, as Mom pointed out, means that if I wasn't wholly criticising it, means that it probably went better than that). Despite a few finicky bits that came from total lack of really solid rehearsal time with the accompanist, and then the usual on-the-spot decision making of how many verses, went well. Ave Maria went OK, too - although I'm still kicking myself at always losing breath on the last "Ave Maria" note so that I can't hold it the full time. Arugh! But one guest tried to hire me for her son's wedding in April - except that I'm in MA and really not going to fly out to CA for a singing gig - but that was very nice. The violinist was AMAZING.

  • Side note: the "Sweater Song (Undone)" is on right now on my iTunes. Tee hee hee.

  • Reception was great. Danced muchly - mostly Austria-style of "really dance as if no one's looking!" However, apparently strained the tendon right behind my left knee - meh. Didn't think to stretch before the reception! Silly Emily! Ended up doing the "Cotton Eyed Joe" all by my onesies with Annie - strangely everyone else was exhausted by that point. We got "Brown Eyed Girl" on, but didn't have time for "Vogue." My HH brother, Chris (who DJ's) was furious when the DJ put on OutKast and then went right back to "Twist and Shout" - but since the rest of us dancers were having fun being random with the soundtrack, we didn't mind the discrepancy. We all gathered around Mark and Kristy at the very end and sang "So Happy Together" - very very good.

  • Good, too, to see extended HH. Anthony & Becky were there with their youngest, Chris, Ed, Pat Jackson, and of course David who was good enough to shuttle us all around everywhere - despite his own car dying right before the wedding rehearsal.

  • Oh! The rehearsal dinner was at this little Italian restaurant that so brought me back to Assisi - although, thank God, the white wine wasn't as strong (i.e., completely undiluted) as in Italy.

  • Met up with Kristy's HH sisters at the reception, only to discover they were two doors down from us in the hotel! So we ended up congregating in their room after the reception until modestly wee hours in the morning (I had to get up for an 8 a.m. mass the next morning). It was so good to be among devout warriors again, to be free in speech, to discuss marriage and consecrated viriginity with no shame or need to explain onesself, to talk shop with Catherine (i.e., she teaches 6th grade, so there was much discussion of children and administration and all the foibles of the classroom), to hear about the Catholic community that's growing in Hollywood from Angela (and to get her card for her record label - have a few ideas of sending folk her way once she finishes getting it up and running), and to talk about the new Renaissance that we can all feel coming and getting so excited about His plans, and just being girls and not Responsible Adults but - well, just humans with one another - and in the midst of dishing on our current romantic possibilities, to relearn, to reremember that it's not so weird to be so pure - and therefore to be encouraged to greater purity - despite the everpresent warfare. Anywho. Good to be. Boy - do I miss Steubenville. Do I ever miss that community. The trenches are not as fun as the boot camp! (She pouted.)

  • Flights went well, except for the last when we were delayed for three hours because of some sort of mechanical misfunction. But better three hour delay than dying! I'm all in favor or waiting around to save lives! And the good thing was that because the plane we moved on to was larger than the one we left, more stand-by passengers could make it home to MA. It was only frustrating that everyone else was grumbling! Geesh, folks! Look, be grateful that you can take a plane at all! That you're not walking from Atlanta to Boston! Oy! Howsomeever, that did mean that I got to bed around 5:30 a.m. and ended up sleeping nearly until it was time to get up, get together, and get to rehearsal. Strange shifting of the brain. Rather like coming back from France to Austria. Where am I? What language am I speaking? What time zone is it?

  • It may not be an iPod, but my new portable CD/MP3 player is faboo. Listened to the Ophelia Mix the last leg of the journey. Verily. Mucho bueno. (??? Don't speak Spanish.)

  • And now to a few errands and then to the Gonor's house for tonight's rehearsal because it's going to be so hot that using the church would be death for us all. Praise God for Mrs. Gonor! And dear Lord - is it asking so much to have ONE run-through of the WHOLE play before Friday?

    Mood: Spazzed
    Music: Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery funny, God. Queen's "The Show Must Go On" from the Too Cool for the Room mix.
    Happiness is: Maureen's voice! Whoa!
    For kicks and giggles: A few quizzes

    You Are Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

    You are kind, popular, and generous.
    You tend to be successful at anything you try.
    A social butterfly, you are great at entertaining a crowd.

    You are most compatible with strawberry ice cream.

    Ah, well, they got the chocolate right.

    You Are Bert

    Extremely serious and a little eccentric, people find you loveable - even if you don't love them!

    You are usually feeling: Logical - you rarely let your emotions rule you

    You are famous for: Being smart, a total neat freak, and maybe just a little evil

    How you life your life: With passion, even if your odd passions (like bottle caps and pigeons) are baffling to others

    Julie - you realize that makes you Ernie? :D

    Your Driving Is is: 77% Male, 23% Female

    According to studies, you generally drive like a typical male.
    You're confident in your driving skills, and hardly any situation gets the better of you.
    And while you may have a few tickets under your belt, you're still a very good driver.
