The sporadic ramblings of Emily C. A. Snyder - devoted to God, theatre, writing, and much randominity.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Host: "Hamlet to Hamilton: Exploring Verse Drama" | Founder: TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS | Author: "Cupid and Psyche" "Nachtsturm Castle" & Others | Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghost Ship" (Boston Metaphysical Society)

Monday, July 30, 2007

Hooray hooray

To celebrate the post below (see below!) the following are now on YouTube (oh glorious, glorious YouTube!). "Wunderbar" from Kiss Me, Kate (2004) and a slideshow of Midsummer Night's Dream (2004).

Mood: Sehr sehr gut
Music: "The Impossible Dream" from Man of LaMancha
Because this: is my life's theme song, and I had forgotten it. Thank You, God! AMEN!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

The sincerest form of flattery

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-YEAH! OK, so I just came back from dragging Jules and Pete to the last night Shakespeare on the Common's run of Midsummer Night's Dream. Praise God, it did not rain. Praise God, we got a good spot to put our seats. Praise God, I actually had enough brain power to even jot down the beginning of two songs for the beginning of Echo and Narcissus. Praise God, most of all, that - despite the fairies being dressed in dead muppets, and bad pseudo-disco music, and a really stupid non-set (I'm all for minimalism - but someone had his Peter Brooks mojo on waaaaaaaaaaay too much!) - that, despite everything, we stuck it through and saw the end. Praise God we saw the "Pyramus and Thisbe" section of Dream because...



Yayayyayayyayayyayayyayayyayayyayayyayayay! Happy, happy, happy day!

No, they didn't steal the philosophic underpinnings or Belle or anything huge (the more their loss - really - exit, pursued by a muppet!), but they stole two little bits that in all the Dreams I've ever seen - and I've seen quite a few, thankyewverrrymuch - I've never seen in any but my own. HA! HA HA HA! I am the evil ovenhead! HA! To whit:

  • Bottom saying: "He...she...shim is to come" when referring to Flute/Thisbe's entrance. Somewhere between Matt and myself and lots of laughing at Ryan playing a girl, this was born, and kept and NOW WAS ON THE FREAKING COMMON! BOO YEAH!

  • Quince consistently correcting the actors - most particularly when they say "Ninny's" for "Ninus's."

    This was bit that I came up with when I was playing Quince my senior year at a cabaret night performance. My reasoning for it was double: playing Quince, once I'd done with my prologue, I had nothing more to do, and wanting more to do (like any other actor) I thought I might correct the actors as it went on. There was precedence - in the second scene of the Rude Mechanicals, Quince makes just such a correction to Flute - so I just extended it to the final scene, too.

    Second: I thought if Quince was correcting, it would make the actors' mix-up of lines more intelligible to the audience, since a modern audience would not get the jokes otherwise. When our director, Mr. Dougherty, took over the direction of the scene, he asked me to do a lisp, which produced a hilarious "Ninutheth." So when I directed the play (see below) in 2004, I had Jess try a lisp. That didn't work out too well, but she was able to lisp that one word. This version is on YouTube.

    AND TONIGHT QUINCE LISPED ONE OF HIS "NINUTHESSSSS" (because he realized that he hadn't meant to lisp it - but it was a dead give away to me that HE HAD STOLEN FROM ME!!! Huzzah huzzah!).

    I know it's silly, but I feel just as elated as if one of my shows were on Broadway. That I'm being ripped off in such a huge venue means that my stuff IS good! Ha! Hahaha!

    So, I'm off to frolick. Thank You, God, for giving me this. Amen! Alleluia!

    Mood: Ecstatic
    Mood: The Happy Much Ado mix
    Thought: Something smells really good. I wonder what it is...?

  • Friday, July 27, 2007

    YouTube Update

    One of our own. Speaking scene, no less! (Incroyable, I know.)

    Mood: Moody
    Music: "Earth" from Gladiator
    Which is: Also moody

    Monday, July 23, 2007

    Updating the CGF

    I'm slowly updating the Christian Guide to Fantasy - a basically frozen site now, but worth a face-lift with the passing of HP7. Check the old girl out.

    Mood: Much better now that Julie and I had a good laugh over Queen Elizabeth I as a crazed lizard. Don't ask. It was a Glorielle at 2 a.m. thing.
    Music: "Memories" by Within Temptation
    Thought: I should sleep. Stupid Emily. Bless this week, Lord, amen!

    Sunday, July 22, 2007

    A moment of silence

    For the (literary) passing of Harry Potter - the series, I mean. I had no idea what to expect from book 7 and I'm still processing (I finished exactly 32 minutes ago). Certainly, book 6 saw a huge improvement in literary quality over the previous four, as well as philosophical improvement. But in this last book...HP7 almost feels as though it's the start of the whole series. As though everything before it was just backstory to fill the audience in until we got here, at the end of all things. I'd like to write more. I daren't for fear of spoiling. But I think I will trudge over to the CGF...because I feel I owe Rowling an apology (esp. when this nonsense continues - read the books before criticising the whole!).

    Mood: Pensieve
    Music: "Word of Your Body" from Spring Awakening - not too fond of the lyrics, but the music is So - Darn - Hynotic - !
    Thought: Oh, Lord, help me put the right words together. Amen.

    Thursday, July 19, 2007

    Oh, Gene Kelly!

    There's something wonderful: light, sharp, dulcet, thrilling and lovely about dances such as these. And what makes it all work, besides the technique, is the light that shines from the eyes. The "I'm in love with the world" attitude that seems to lift the dancers from the very ground.

    Mood: Yeah, who just took Jules to see Ratatouille? :D
    Music: Inexplicably "All That's Known" from Spring Awakening, however it's been "Welcome to the Black Parade" by My Chemical Romance for the past several days
    Technojoy is: Owning a new mini-DV camera! And it working WONDERFULLY well! Huzzah! "I don't have technofear...I have TECHNOJOY!!!"
    Tonight: Oh, God, help me to finish up everything I have to finish up tonight! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease! Amen!
    Amusing to Note: How much can be gleaned from reactions and not from seeing.

    Tuesday, July 17, 2007

    Benedictine Happy Days

    I stumbled across this video at The Lady in the Pew which celebrates "Motu Proprio" happiness (aka, Pope Benedict XVI's recent document which allows for and encourages the Tridentine Mass [High Latin Mass] over the bastardized Novo Ordo Mass [modern "folk" masses, etc.]). There's a lot of joy among Catholics, which naturally, get the secular media and the liturgical brownshirts up in a knot. Ppppppptphppth! Huzzah, Papa!

    Mood: Meh - pas mal, mais pas fantastique. Sois etre.
    Music: White noise
    Thought: Errands...must run errands...must remember to play a middle C when my pinky plays an A...isn't stream of consciousness curious...and why Turkey Bologna? Isn't that both biologically (and geographically) impossible? These are the jokes, folks.

    Saturday, July 14, 2007

    Things I Now Know

  • Unnecessary anxiety is remedied by allowing others to aid you

  • I'm falling in love with Una Voce Poco Fa (well, maybe I knew that already)

  • God really is bigger than the boogeyman (see above)

  • The reason why I can't move on with The Sable Valentine is because I need to write up Luce's end of it for a full account so I can then do Giselle's partial account. Oh for multiple POV's!

  • Things Are Doable

  • I have more fake flowers than I thought. Enough for not two, but three boxes (one of which being solely Christmas flowers). Back to Walmart for me!

  • I had forgotten the joy of hairclips and bangs. Silly things, but true.

  • And all really will be well, and God makes the most incredible sunsets....

    Mood: Mieux. Tres mieux. Merci, mon Dieu, pour ma mama, et, s'il Te plais, protege Pierre, Papa et de tout cette weekend. Ainsi soi t'il!
    Music: Currently Ever After but it's a looooooong playlist of background music to which one may write
    Prayer: God keep me ever in this mind, amen! (So some family member or 'nother may escape a predestinate scratched face!)

  • Monday, July 09, 2007

    I'm not worthy

    Holy cow. So I'm working on this aria, Una Voce Poco Fa from The Barber of Seville an in my YouTubing to find interesting cadenzas (when the soprano essentially goes nuts singing scales), I stumbled on this. I am soooo not worthy.

    Mood: Managing
    Music: Guess, silly goose
    Thought: Halp, Gott, amen

    Tuesday, July 03, 2007

    Much Ado About Nothing

    The mock-up of the poster - woot! Fun in the sun - off to start the dramatic day....

    Mood: Complique et trop vite
    Music: "Chasing Cars" - how appropriate
    Lyrics: Let's waste time/chasing cars/around our heads