So, in editing Romeo and Juliet, I've realized that I use quite a few more "Theatre of Creulty" techniques on a regular basis than I had ever thought. I lurve me sitting on the audience, going through it, over it, under it, making them cheer, making them boo, giving them stuff, taking it away, asking their opinion, talking right at them, making them smell fake flowers, etc. etc. etc. I love beginning a show without telling anyone - and taking an intermission the same way, too. I love coming back from intermission with everyone in a scramble - rather than the wide-eyed bovine settling in to another hour that'll be pretty much the same as the first - no matter how good or bad the first was. I love keeping the audience on its toes - it keeps a show on its toes, and it makes theatre theatrical.
So, in the wide world of bullet points:, in looking at that (and knowing what other stuff I cram into here and there - voice lessons, journalling, drives, friends, editing Romeo and Juliet, and a bunch of useless TV)...I guess I am busier than I thought! So...that's good? Huh.
Mood: Trying to be sleepy. I really just want to edit Tybalt's death, but I'm holding off for, y'know, Thanksgiving.
Music: Mental "Mad World" a la Tybalt's death!
Thought: I do get why Twilight is so popular - dangerous but not too dangerous guy, totally obsessed with one woman - the sort of dangerous-safe uber-monogamist - whose idea of a great smexy night is lying side by side totally clothed protecting you while you sleep. Oh, and he has diamond skin. I get it, I get it. It just still makes me laugh.