The sporadic ramblings of Emily C. A. Snyder - devoted to God, theatre, writing, and much randominity.

My Photo
Location: New York, New York, United States

Host: "Hamlet to Hamilton: Exploring Verse Drama" | Founder: TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS | Author: "Cupid and Psyche" "Nachtsturm Castle" & Others | Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghost Ship" (Boston Metaphysical Society)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Because it must be writ

So, um...Hamlet....


Mood: Lethargic Cheetah being slowly intrigued by Fleeting Gazelle
Music: "So Happy Together" a la the cranium
News: Rooftop shouting of two important announcements long awaited should be coming soon. But first, I'm absconding with myself to Boston to sneak into Wicked tonight. Ooh, I feel so daring!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Join in Othercott

Not Epcott, but Othercott. On the day The DaVinci Code comes out, go buy a ticket for another movie. See you at the theatres!

To find out why and more, begin surfing at Barbara Nicolosi's blog.

Mood: When it rains, it pours.
Music: "I know/I know/I know" - but I don't know the rest of the lyrics to that song.
Thought: The English major is offended.


Oh sweet stupidity of life at last I've found yooooooooou!/End Singing

Right, right, musical topical post eventually, but first a stupid stupidity as gacked from my darlink sweister....

1. What does your [Blog Title] name mean? It comes from something Kristen said or wrote to me once. We were discussing all the beautiful things that we never take the time to truly capture (in this case a la words) and lamenting such passing beauty. She said that she would paste the phrase above her door to remind herself to capture the moments.

2. Elaborate on your default icon? Hwell, Blogger doesn't really have icons as such, but the pictures on this page are: 1) (Above) the pic of me Jules took because Jules takes the best portraits; 2) (Left Top) "The Sense of Sight" because it always reminds me of the Chesterton quote that the difference between Western Christian images and Eastern Pantheistic ones is that the angels and saints' eyes are open and looking upward; 3) (Left Bottom) another pic of me Jules took because it's all sorts of theatre-y. And just for kicks and giggles, my AIM Icon is a moving .gif I made of Sawyer from Lost and my Yahoo one is one of those little avatars one can make - I look all sorts of Francophile in it. Oy. Rather solipsistic....

3. Make up a question. Why does a chicken? I don't know why.

4. What's your current relationship status? I have loads of relationships! Oh, you mean romantically? Hrm. Define romance....

5. What EXACTLY are you wearing right now? A cold nose, glasses, a watch but not my broken ring, my green Franciscan sweatshirt with matching T-shirt, the embroidered jeans with the flowers up the left leg, embroidered white socks with leafy patterns, and my zip-up quasi-blackboots. Oh, and two green hairclips. The rest is silence.

6. What is your current problem? Decisions.

7. What do you love most? You said "what" not "who"! (She crowed victoriously.) Easy. Theatre.

8. What makes you most happy? After number 7, isn't that redundant?

9. Are you musically inclined? I'm way past inclined. I'm vertical.

10. If you could go back in time and change something, what would you change? The French Revolution. Vive la sacre coeur!

11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day, what would you be? I would so be a lioness. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssss....

12. Ever have a near death experience? Not physcial death, no. Emotional death, nearly once. "Scared to death" often. But otherwise, I'm good.

13. Name an obvious quality you have. An obvious quality? I suppose Dorifishness - but I'm not sure that's obvious to everyone outside my family. Passive agressiveness, perhaps. General cheeriness otherwise? A fondness for chocolate and arabesques? Indecisiveness?

14. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now? It goes back and forth between "So Happy Together" and the song from VM that goes "Are ringing joyful and triumphant" (dunno the name of the song).

15. Who did you cut and paste this from? The lovely but beautiful Julie

16. Name someone with the same birthday as you. Went to the internet for this. Hey, happy exact shared birthday to James Preston Trexler, Jr., born Sept. 10, 1977 in Raleigh, Wake Co., NC.!!! For those sharing the date but not the year, check here. Yay for Schiller!

17. Have you ever vandalized someone's private property? Not that I know of.... I've been vandalized by private property if you count the number of times I've fought with sand/gravel/cliffs and the sand/gravel/cliffs won....

18. Have you ever been in a fight? I've had my fair share of arguments. But nothing physical, really. I've apparently been in at least two "fights" that I was unaware were occurring until much after the event.

19. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience? The audience is NEVER large enough.

20. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Oh look! A guy!

21. What do you usually order from Starbucks? I don't. I prefer Ariba or the Border's cafe. But if at any of these establishments, I get mint hot chocolate with whip cream and then sprinkle some cinnamon on top. I'm particular.

22. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? Patty said I looked like this one picture of the Blessed Virgin Mary! Otherwise, no - no, not really.

23. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows? Heck yeah! And I read from the Young Adults section! Oh, sure. Best stuff out there, some days!

24. Did you have braces? Yup. Could probably use them again, actually.

25. Are you comfortable with your height? Yup.

26. What is the most romantic thing someone has ever done for you? Again, define romance. And I'm not just being weird about the word. I'm being English major about it. But, OK, it'd probably be any one of the various times of real intimacy with God.

27. Do you speak any other languages? I can get by in French and Sign Language. I can get around in German. I know important words in Italian and can sing a few arias. I can follow a Latin Mass. I know two Polish words, one Estonian word, and the phrase "Do you want to live?" in Japanese. In short, I know enough that I can mutter in other languages, quiet a class with another language, and otherwise get me into trouble with Europeans who think I'm one of them and then find out that I'm not.

28. Do you have a crush on someone on LJ? Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuules! Or, at least, I crush her. Hmmmmmm.

Mood: Well, that was a total waste of time
Music: A la the mental jukebox: I've got a crush on you, cutie pie!
Thought: Time to switch the laundry....

C'est finis

Actually, c'est finis as of Friday morning around 2 a.m. - but considering that I subsequently got up at 8:30 a.m., went to Mass, and then out for breakfast with wonderful MJK where mucho was discussed in a goodly manner, and then had lesson and then out to American Dreamz (which will be getting a loooooong post/dissertation later today or tomorrow about the nature of using music in telling a story), and then got me into bed by 8 p.m. (rereading Monstrous Regiment by Pratchett) and then to sleep by 9 p.m. - I didn't blog about finishing the rough cut until just now.

But it's done. Hurrah hurrah! The Veronica Mars and Buffy: Seasons 1-3 CD and odd-one-out Sarah Brightman: Time to Say Goodbye saw me through editing. And now to a bit of business on this lovely, reeeeeeeeeeeeLAXing day (huh - that's either completely antithetical or else consummately Emilian), some laundry, some cleaning, some catch with Johnny, and then viewing The Passion for Mom (in the words of American Sweethearts: "My mother says it's the best work I've ever done." Tee hee hee ubersketch director...).

Oh, random dream this morning - long overdue, I suppose, considering that the past two shows have been blessedly anxiety-dream-free - about The Passion. In the dream it was still Friday (yesterday) and for some reason most of my actors for The Passion were with me at St. Mike's. Some weren't there due to work or being elsewhere on vacation. We're all just hanging out in St. Mike's when suddenly people begin streaming in, filling up the whole church, even up to the balcony. I look at them and wonder what in the world is going on, and someone tells me that they're all here for The Passion - they heard or demanded or decided to get us to do a repeat performance. I look at my watch: it's 7 p.m. exactly. Freaking out, I glance about to see who's not there: I'm missing young Mary and Pilate. Turning to someone, I tell them to get those two on the phone and see if they can get them in to the church in 10 minutes. Hustling all the other actors into the sacristy, I tell them to get down to my room and get into make-up and whatever costumes they can find. Then I go back to the mike and tell the audience that a) thank you for coming b) we'll be right with you in ten minutes and c) there's more room in the balcony just follow...the...ushers...who are magically at the doors. (Random thought crosses my mind: are we still collecting donations for the Food Pantry? Did anyone bring anything? Who's organizing this show anyway?) I rush down to my room, realizing as I go that, "Oh s--t, half of my props are at home and I can't get to my attic and back in any less time than half an hour, and oh, S--T half my props are with Grace anyway and...." Fortunately, at that time I wake up, look at the clock, say: "Forget this, I'm sleeping more! It's vacation, yes? And I'm not putting on the Passion again! So - nyah." At which point, slipping back into slumber, I'm right back in the dream and trying to figure out exactly how much time we can afford to stall the audience because the make-up's going to take longer than ten minutes and....

I wake up again and realize that a) I'm not putting on the Passion!!! and b) we lost the crown of thorns in any case and c) perhaps I could borrow them from Grace and....

Oh, silliness abounds. Mom's here for The Viewing. Mmmmmwah!

Mood: TTFN!
Music: VM
Thought: NA

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Killing Judas

Mucho fun. Fun with film. (Flim with flam?)

About half-way through editing The Passion. Go me.

Now, if only I could get a non-toss-and-turn night's sleep....

Mood: Meh. Comme si, comme ca.
Music: The Kyrie we used for the aforementioned scene.
Coolness is: John Paul the Great University. Check it out!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter!

He is alive! He is alive! He is alive! He is ALIVE!!!

I won't, at this moment, directly apologize for the less-ness-ess of this blog. Matchmaker and The Passion will speak for me. Nor do I know when (if) I'll get back into the habit of longish blogs. But for now, a bit of randominity:

  • This made me very very happy. Utter silliness, but 'tis good.

  • The family's been into playing catch this past week. The first few days my pitching arm killed - but it feels much better now. And I'm surprised at the calming zen-ness of throwing and catching a ball. One can see it coming and merely moves the glove to the appropriate place. Then throws the ball with speed to another destination. Very nice. Just spent the better part of an hour and a bit with Jules and Johnny up by the water tower playing catch. Despite my initial protestation, Johnny has me nearly intrigued with the catching of popped throws. Mucho fun and freezing ears.

  • Triduum was beautiful. Holy Thursday was certainly for me the high point - or, as mentioned before, the adoration was - because the wholeness of the Passion we just put on really - not hit me, but was very real. I can't explain it. I couldn't explain it to myself that evening. Other than "yes." Went to the Vigil with Johnny last night. Good to do so. Thrilled to see so many I know at Mass these past few days. All I can think over and over is how much I love my church. There are a million reasons - all of them falling short of why. It's like what Chesterton says in Orthodoxy, "The Eternal Revolution" - when a man fully believes in something, he cannot explain why he should love it. If an alien were to ask a man why he believes in civilization, the man would vainly look about and say things like, "There's the coal scuttle. There's a train schedule." But none of these things are civilization, nor the heart of why he loves it. So in this way, I can give a million and one reasons why to love the church - and none of them are to the heart of it other than "yes" and "love."

  • How does one describe yes? Or describe love? We take them so for granted. They're a priori - known - and only a madman would ask for a reason. It's like asking, "Give me a reason for life. Give me a reason for your arm. Or for thought. Or for the self." The answer is yes. The answer is, because I am loved. The answer is because He Is. *siiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* The warm bathiness of Easter.

  • I'm about to do the Last Supper section of The Passion. About a quarter edited! Yaaaay! And now off to do that....

    Mood: Bon, merci.
    Music: The first Buffy CD
    Thought: What? Above's not enough! Fine. Move stage right and call me in the morning.

  • Friday, April 14, 2006

    Gacked from Jules

    My pirate name is:

    Captain Jenny Kidd

    Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!

    Get your own pirate name from

    Mood: I love being Catholic
    Music: The recent Pride and Prejudice
    Happiness is: Triduum - esp. last night at Adoration
    For Matt's brow alone: knhghy fruhytgfyrft gj k l;,hbnyh6yg f

    Tuesday, April 11, 2006

    Free at last

    Free at last/Thank God Almighty/I'm free at last!

    Or, more immortally (no pun intended) It is done.

    Last night was HCH's Passion - and despite the fact that God kept us all humbled with multiple line guffaws (although no one but we knew), still it was His show and it went well.

    And it is done. Nutcracker...Matchmaker...Passion - and now done. And I'm uber-relaxed. Took myself out to see Take the Lead - good fun. Unexpectedly had two of my classes cancelled - good fun. Praise God praise God praise God - AMEN!

    Mood: Relaaaaaaaaaaaxed
    Music: "And breathe...just breathe...and breathe...."
    Thought: Le siiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh