The sporadic ramblings of Emily C. A. Snyder - devoted to God, theatre, writing, and much randominity.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Host: "Hamlet to Hamilton: Exploring Verse Drama" | Founder: TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS | Author: "Cupid and Psyche" "Nachtsturm Castle" & Others | Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghost Ship" (Boston Metaphysical Society)

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Two Great Dances

Nothing in particular to add. I like these.

ETA!!! One of the prettiest waltzes ever.

Mood: Sleepy, dopey, doc
Music: The fabulous song from this: "The Garden"
Thought: Doc said my wrist had good mobility for what it is, when it is, etc. That's good to know!

Monday, July 28, 2008

C'est finis

Et je suis desole un petite. Hasn't quite hit me yet. Have a splitting headache, esp. behind my right eye. Thank God for tea, Kristen's book Birdwing which I just got to cracking open, family, showers, Borders' Cafe and The Dark Knight later to see, As You Like It on the Common on Wednesday, and other means by which time may be filled because it is no longer filled.

I love my R&J cast. I wish they could have seen the show not through a lense - it was great. Must off. Books to read, time to spend, plays to write, rooms to clean, pictures not to look at for a while. Oh, good golly. The ending music of Dr. Horrible sums up now.

Mood: "Are you hurt-ed Wendy?"
Music: Mental "Here lies everything...."
Thought: But last night, after coming home with Peter (great conversation with Peter), got a great song: "Hello, world/Though you don't know me yet/I am coming to you/And you'll never forget me now." This on the heels of Friday night's song that came with the refrain: "Open your heart, let me in, let me love you and/Open your arms, let me in, let me love you and/Open your ears, may I say that I love you/Although I've been called to elsewhere tonight/Although I've been called into elsewhere." Mary Poppins. I go where I am needed. Thank God for Our Town - and who would have thought I'd say that?
One last look:

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

You! Go see. NOW.

Like, literally now. Because it all comes down on the 20th. Unless you buy it from iTunes. Which you should. Musicals are king.

Mood: Superlative
Music: Ambient
Thought: Dream I had, actually, just this morning that I was in a play I was directing for a class for a grade at Emerson but we had never rehearsed it and I'd only memorized a few parts of it and I didn't even know half the cast and so we were all just winging it from what we could remember and it was in an ampitheatre so we were just making up blocking and lines and trying to be heard and suddenly the main girl playing opposite me (I was a servant; she my mistress - like a very French comedy) starts saying lines that I know I cut but apparently she memorized anyway and it's this whole section where I'm supposed to be witty so I just start making up witticisms to her questions on the fly and fortunately people are laughing - but then I can't remember what happens next in the plot but I left my script behind the arras and so I make up some exit line and go to look for the script (my character can't be off stage for long: she IS the plot) but my script isn't there and I can sense the panic on-stage so I rush out and start babbling nonsense and then realize that it's supposed to be that the Dad is coming home but before I can announce that the other actors burst into four part choral music and I just have to run with that instead and try to get the plot back to where it's supposed to be and possibly take an unplanned intermission so that I can FIND my script to find out what happens next! Then I woke up. And I want to write a French farce. Blarugh.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


High School Tony Awards Honor Nation's Biggest Drama Club Nerds

Check it out!

Mood: Great - just introduced Chrysos and Brontes in the play and intimated at Livia's attachment to Brontes. Now, if I can only figure out how Cupid and Psyche act when they meet...but I'm pretty sure that Cupid won't tell her who he is until the end of act one - because she must know by intermission? Arugh! Stupid plays. But really! Great!
Music: Loreena McKennit's The Visit - haven't listened in a while. Superb!
Thought: Does Psyche find out who she is AT intermission? Hmmmm, maybe. So she thinks he's, what, a magician? The tension of reworking a tale while still working within.... The amusing thing is, once I figure out the solution, I won't recall the many struggles with the problem!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Good night, good party, good dances

Let's just say that Jess and the R&J cast are super. My fav. dances from last week's show, in no particular order. The first is just great - one of the best of the season so far, the second is middling choreography made better by Mark-of-my-Heart, the third is one of the best Broadway routines (choreography-wise - they def. could have been softer in the middle) this show's ever seen (which tells you something about their usual Broadway choreographer).

Mood: Tres mieux
Music: "Blue" by Angie Hart on the Creme de la Creme playlist
Thought: Very grateful, God - thanks. Oui.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

My Cast is OFF!!!

It's in a brace and it still hurts like the is OFF! And that's what matters most to me at this time. I'm even typing (kinda) two-handed. My right arm is still as weak as a new hatched chick, but alles gut. And best of all I got to wash my poor, crusty hand. A lot of the yuck came off. Oh, happy day!

Rehearsals coming along marvellously. Even better, had some impromptu cast bonding last night after rehearsal. The usual: stay late to tell each other theatrical horror stories. Theatre folk are so special. Hope to run second half of show tonight. We'll see how we do. And first half tomorrow. I hope Allison's prediction that tech week is going to be a (relative) breeze is true.

Mood: Much more confident
Music: Mental tour version of "Billie Jean" by David Cook as he is currently rocking it out.
Happiness is: Having a manly Romeo and not a weepy wussy one. Washing my arm. Knowing that posters are going up. And the aforementioned music. Here. (Bad sound quality.)