Longer post soon
But suffice to say:
It's vacation, alleluia!
The shows (all two performances on one day of it) went well, alleluia!
Despite the fact that my computer seemed to crash the day of dress (see below), it now, inexplicably and miraculously, is recognizing not only my external harddrive, but my camcorder - and is even letting me capture video! Alleluia!
Which means that I might be able to edit this break! Alleluia!!!
Happy birthday, Peter! (15 - can you believe it?) Alleluia!
Trailer checking is awesome. Happy me: "Fun with Dick and Jane" tomorrow night for quasi-pay! Alleluia!
Able to put more money in my parents' account today - alleluia!
And so, despite other setbacks and various disgruntlements and house heaters acting up and a plethora of the forbidden fruit (or bean, as the case may be), there art thou happy, Emily. All else will figure itself out. Twenty-eight is no age to decide the remainder of your temporal life.
Mood: Much, much, much relieved.
Music: "Wicked" - just to alleviate "The Producers" recent non-stop - intersperced with "Nutcracker" bits
Mangled Quote du Jour: "Finally, I can stop suffering and write those letters!"
But suffice to say:
And so, despite other setbacks and various disgruntlements and house heaters acting up and a plethora of the forbidden fruit (or bean, as the case may be), there art thou happy, Emily. All else will figure itself out. Twenty-eight is no age to decide the remainder of your temporal life.
Mood: Much, much, much relieved.
Music: "Wicked" - just to alleviate "The Producers" recent non-stop - intersperced with "Nutcracker" bits
Mangled Quote du Jour: "Finally, I can stop suffering and write those letters!"
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