The sporadic ramblings of Emily C. A. Snyder - devoted to God, theatre, writing, and much randominity.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Host: "Hamlet to Hamilton: Exploring Verse Drama" | Founder: TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS | Author: "Cupid and Psyche" "Nachtsturm Castle" & Others | Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghost Ship" (Boston Metaphysical Society)

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Not Lord of the Flies

But Lord of the Teeny Weeny Annoying and Impossible to Catch and Kill Dust-Motey Buggities! Gaaaaaaaaaaaah! Allez allez allez!

Just call me the High Imperial Mistress of VCR-to-DVD cords. Bwahahhah! Take that, ye scurvy colored nasties! (Ooooh, and just killed one of the two bugs. HA! "Noah?" "Yes, God?" "You've got two male mosquitos, Noah." "Aaaaaaarugh!")

Hrm, Crimson Pirates' Putrid and Disgusting CD might *not* be the best inspirational music for finishing up Nutcracker. Drat.

Mood: Cautious
Music: Cannya nicht raid wot Oi raight?
Satisfaction is: Killing the second bug! Ha HA!


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