The sporadic ramblings of Emily C. A. Snyder - devoted to God, theatre, writing, and much randominity.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Host: "Hamlet to Hamilton: Exploring Verse Drama" | Founder: TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS | Author: "Cupid and Psyche" "Nachtsturm Castle" & Others | Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghost Ship" (Boston Metaphysical Society)

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Nothing earthshattering

To add. Just a few typicals:

  • Rumpole of the Bailey is sooooo good. I'd forgotten.

  • Driving with Jules out along the highways and byways of MA, exclaiming over every view, every lilac field, every ivy-strewn tree, the setting sun, the rising moon, the invisible Abbey whilst she knits and I drive in slipper-shod feet is one of the loveliest things of all.

  • Note for Future Reference: Slippers apparently count as "shod" in supermarkets. Good to know when ordered by parentals to pick up ice cream since we were out anyway. ("She's had a really bad day!")

  • Must - Keep - Writing!

  • Going this afternoon - soon and very soon - to Boston (again) with Fr. Jonathan, Allie and possible Denae to visit some convent of some sort. Ich bin das chaperone. (I wonder what the actual German word is for that? Grizzled aunt? Prune-faced squinter?) Anywho - should be interesting. Regardless, it'll include a Fr. Jonathan mass and dinner with the sisters!

  • Whilst at the interviews yesterday I was pleased to note that I had apparently achieved Theatrical Graduate Student Uniform (Female) all on my lonesome: fitted then flaired pants, tailored button-down shirt of Some Exciting and Powerful Colour, shortish hair with Something Done To It, and fat. Yes - fat. Who knew it was a prerequisite? However, this apparently did not impress the aforementioned Prune-faced squinter of an grad. admin. person (aka: all we do is financial aid and make prune-faces whilst squinting) who was in her own uniform of military cut with a very determined boho scarf to forcefully soften the overall halberd appearance. Yeah - who's still doing costume design for the upcoming shows? ;P

  • My thumbnail snapped off shorter yesterday. Poot.

  • Sixes and sevens, sixes and sevens....

  • Watched a bit of Lost Broadway Treasures on NH's PBS last night. There's a reason why they were lost. But boy! Was it encouraging to watch! (Actually, the tap dance number from Black and Blue WAS very good.) During pleas for money we switched over to The Office which had, to all our delight, a diversity day plot. Ooooooooooooooh, the rich pain!

    Mood: Sixes and sevens
    Music: "Jack and the Mermaid" from the second Crimson Pirates album - great song. *shiver* Really ought to memorise it.
    Thought: What is the exact etymology of "sixes and sevens" and why do I always feel the need to actually say "sevenses"?


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