The sporadic ramblings of Emily C. A. Snyder - devoted to God, theatre, writing, and much randominity.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Host: "Hamlet to Hamilton: Exploring Verse Drama" | Founder: TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS | Author: "Cupid and Psyche" "Nachtsturm Castle" & Others | Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghost Ship" (Boston Metaphysical Society)

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

I am sixteen going on si-ix....

First Result:

My inner child is sixteen years old today

My inner child is sixteen years old!

Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while
adults might just accept that, I know
something's gotta change. And it's gonna
change, just as soon as I become an adult and
get some power of my own.

How Old is Your Inner Child?
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Second Result:

My inner child is six years old today

My inner child is six years old!

Look what I can do! I can walk, I can run, I can
read! I like to do stuff, and there's a whole
big world out there to do it in. Just so long
as I can take my blankie and my Mommy and my
three best friends with me, of course.

How Old is Your Inner Child?
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Hmmm, velly velly intellesting. Actually, I think the whole thing's rigged - I mean, to the "OK, now you're in trouble" question, there wasn't a single "I'm sorry, yes I did it" answer! *sigh* Based on how I answered that one question, apparently I'm either fit for sitting my student's desks or the playpen. (Hmmm, playpen might not be bad...get to nap during school, get to play dress up all day...oh wait, I do that already. ;)

On the upside:

So you are Figwit, the left-out elf who gets 5
seconds of fame at the Council of Elrond.

Which Lord of the Rings (male) Elf Are You?
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Your life is very humorous, I don't know you do it,
and I don't think I want to know. Every time
when someone is feeling low you try and cheer
them up and when things get too serious you try
to play a joke that will make everyone lighten
up a bit. Your life is simple yet a little
complex and your personality might be a tad
insane, but no one actually minds it that much.
So have fun being humorous, and make sure those
pranks don't go to far.

What Genre is your life?
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Right, now that that daily dose of stupidity is out of the way...Lemony Snicket's book is due in fourteen days! A-hem. Looking forward to more unfortunate events.

School was a bit more trying today. No surprise really - I mean, we're only debating the existence of God. ;P So, we have the lethargic "Why are we even bothering to think about this stuff? I mean, c'mon - it's first period and I don't care and I'll figure it out when I get there and do you have a bagel?" And then we have the humungo class of "Half of us will think while the other half of us talk over each other and what do you mean my cat fluffy is not a human like me!??!?!? Oh, and why can't there be a pantheon?" Then the last period, full of, "Dude, it's after lunch, we're just chilling. Hmmm, why can't the matter from the Big Bang come from nothing? Why can't there be just that one exception to the nature of matter. Huh - inside time, outside time - two more periods, is it?" >sigh<

Fortunately, none of the Sophomores decided to claim an Immaculate Conception for themselves, so the idea of Original Sin and concupiscence wasn't contested.

In far, far better news, the drama club got off to a roaring good start today. Eighteen people signed up (which for us IS a lot), which means that we'll definitely be able to get the group rates for going to see Les Mis. Alleluia! So I'm going to call the ticket place and get that squared away. Chorus on Thursday - I hope that goes half as well!

Tired, though - oh so tired! Birthday tomorrow - happy birthday me! I forgot about it all today until just as I was closing up the room getting ready to leave. As in, "Hey! Tomorrow's my birthday! Neeeeat." Yup. Epiphany Fish.

Mood: Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh
Music: Swishing agua of the washing machine.
Desire: To figure out a slam-dunk proof of the existence of the soul as a unique aspect of humanity.
One for the Road: Julie - you're not alone!


Which Lord of the Rings Character Are You?
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