The sporadic ramblings of Emily C. A. Snyder - devoted to God, theatre, writing, and much randominity.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Host: "Hamlet to Hamilton: Exploring Verse Drama" | Founder: TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS | Author: "Cupid and Psyche" "Nachtsturm Castle" & Others | Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghost Ship" (Boston Metaphysical Society)

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Put my head on my piii-looow!

Or as Kristy's roommate parodied so long ago (to "I will call upon the Lord):

I will fall upon the floor
Which is covered with my clothes
So shall I remain for eternity!

The floor reigneth!
And blessed be my bed
And may the place where I am sleeping
Be exalted! (2x)

Amen, amen, and a thousand times amen. Je suis fa-ti-GUE! Which is odd, considering today was only a half day at work. Yet, the waking early and the difficulty with convincing my body to sleep and the sheer rise and fall of adrenelin more than anything else. It's being "on" - performing - it's like getting a shot of pure gelatin.

However today went very well. Exceedingly well. First, several folk commented that I look really well! Hurrah! (And I lost three pounds this week. Yippee - now to keep them off....) A vain thing, true, but I've resigned myself for years now to looking awful and dumpy that it's more an acknowlegement that all the work to lose weight is actually working and it's not some sort of self-delusion. The "classes" themselves went well - they look to be good. Even the 29 person one! And wonderful stuff we'll be doing in the religion dept. to really make God's presence known to the school. I ought to go into more detail. I talked myself out of words right around 3:50 to Mom. I've been the title of this post since.

Suffice to say last night I got a chance to witness for the Catholic Church to the guy cutting fabric at Wal-Mart (all roads lead to Midsummer Night's Dream), today and yesterday were faboo, I gave my video resume to the Arts Alliance folks and found an ally in Lauren Miethner, sent off Niamh to Merry, welcomed MJ to working at the school, and am currently watching (kind of) The Three Amigos.

Sometimes brainless is also good. Although there has been too much brainlessness these past few days. Or rather, use of brain in something other than blogging, which is not a bad use just one that's not recorded. "This lantern is the moon, I'm the man in the moon, this dog is my dog, and this bush my bush!"

[Edit:] From Mark Shea's blogspot.:

While sitting at your desk
...lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.
Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand.
Your foot will change direction.

See? Even great Catholic apologists sometimes do brainless things that yet tinker with the brain. I may use this in class tomorrow. In further news, I am Lucky Day from Three Amigos. Esp. the being chained to the wall and muttering, "Gonnamakeit, gonnamakeit, gonnamakeit, gonnamakeit!" It's like teaching, or trying to get a program off the ground, or convincing myself that I'm really not a horrid artist. Oy! ;P

Also from Mark Shea's, this very interesting link. The comments are also enlightening. Mark's own comments can be found here.

And not on that at all but on RCIA, here's Mark Shea's article. Frustrating when those looking to enter the church are given bad or half-baked instruction. No squishy Jesus! Our God is an awesome God! Yee-haw!

And on Papal Infallability and Contraception. More for my own reference than anything else.

Mood: Sometimes I wake up Grumpy - sometimes I let him sleep.
Music: Singing Bush
Speed Reading for Sanity Betwixt Other Reads: Thief of Time by Terry Prachett.


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