OK, so I've been a wee bit slow
On writing things in prose. But I finally got to Drosselmeier's "real" entrance (before the giving of the gifts), aaaaaaand...(drumroll please)...I has edited the 2005-2006 edition of the HCH Promo!
See the 2005-2006 HCH Promo here!!!
(Or be a Rectangulare Squayre Thynge, as Pratchett would say.) It's a .wmv file - so happiest playing on Windows Media.
Mood: Pas mal. Dance-y, which is nice.
Music: Let Go by Frou Frou
Thought: History is a very odd creature indeed.
Thought Redux: You can tell when I'm nearing play time when I start obsessively watching movies which might be in any remote way helpful. To date: The Nutcracker Prince, DuBarry was a Lady, State Fair, West Side Story and Singing in the Rain. Dance fiend anyone?
On writing things in prose. But I finally got to Drosselmeier's "real" entrance (before the giving of the gifts), aaaaaaand...(drumroll please)...I has edited the 2005-2006 edition of the HCH Promo!
See the 2005-2006 HCH Promo here!!!
(Or be a Rectangulare Squayre Thynge, as Pratchett would say.) It's a .wmv file - so happiest playing on Windows Media.
Mood: Pas mal. Dance-y, which is nice.
Music: Let Go by Frou Frou
Thought: History is a very odd creature indeed.
Thought Redux: You can tell when I'm nearing play time when I start obsessively watching movies which might be in any remote way helpful. To date: The Nutcracker Prince, DuBarry was a Lady, State Fair, West Side Story and Singing in the Rain. Dance fiend anyone?
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