The sporadic ramblings of Emily C. A. Snyder - devoted to God, theatre, writing, and much randominity.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Host: "Hamlet to Hamilton: Exploring Verse Drama" | Founder: TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS | Author: "Cupid and Psyche" "Nachtsturm Castle" & Others | Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghost Ship" (Boston Metaphysical Society)

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Joie sur la terre!

The Saviour's born! (Can't remember my franglais....)

Absolutely gorgeous day outside. Managed to move the scenes along so that we're now at another split-stage (I swear, Thrushbeard will translate REALLY well onto the screen eventually) when Cassandra's hearing the local gossip about how great Thrushbeard is and how much the citizens generally hate her for turning him down, whilst at the same time, Thrushbeard's checking in with his much-disliked steward, Brosche, and makes the - literally - fatal choice not to inform said steward of his (Thrushbeard's) marriage. Whoever acts these scenes will need to dig deep - exciting, daunting, more exciting than anything.

Now to trick myself into working more today/tonight. The thing is that I need a 24/7 coffee shop. Alas, there's only the Starbucks at Barnes and Noble over in Framingham that comes close, and that's open only until 11. Sigh! Ah, the vagaries of life! Should ever I open a coffee shop, I should call it something like "The Frustrated Author" or "Insomniac Ambiance." Yeah. Betcha it'd do a lot of London or the Village or something. Alas!

Foot's giving me trouble. Concerned about it. Ought to get it looked at. Will do soon. One week - aie! Well, a week and a half, but I'll be in there this week, so...there. 98.5 is actually playing non-rap music. (Alanis on right now, in fact.) Hrumph - laundry in. Ought to do sort other laundry. Which do I desire to do less? Laundry or beat my head out against some reprise lyrics? Laundry. However, if I leave the area as it is, I'll be constantly looking over at the unfinished laundry and therefore will waste time that could be spent on banging head against said LCD. Oh, the dilemma! DI-LEM-MA! ;P Nineteen days until another year older...can it be? Took Jules and parental units out to Chinese lunch - much discussion of finances, etc. A reminder that I'm doing what I'm doing not so much for the parental units as for Peter. Puts things in a new perspective, but also reminds me why I cannot move out. I don't resent - as Mom was concerned - helping to support the family. But, well, it's not particularly easy, either. "Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something." Soooooo true!

And on that random paragraph, enlightening to none but myself.... I remain, your obedient,

Been a while since I've used that nom de plume! I do so like that name.'s to poss. Les Mis...and whatever else life brings...!

Mood: Laundry or lyrics? Lyrics or laundry? Wheat...death...wheat...death...wheat...DEATH! (Ah, good ole Woody.)
Music: Whatever 90's music is on 98.5 - yaaay!
Goodness is: Two near pairs of shoes which have thick soles but are stylish - perfect for school; an evening spent conversing with Sh.; mass; Emma and Alex; the rosary.


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