The sporadic ramblings of Emily C. A. Snyder - devoted to God, theatre, writing, and much randominity.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Host: "Hamlet to Hamilton: Exploring Verse Drama" | Founder: TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS | Author: "Cupid and Psyche" "Nachtsturm Castle" & Others | Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghost Ship" (Boston Metaphysical Society)

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Worldbuilding Gone Haywire

The next scene for Thrushbeard is not coming and not coming and so I've sat my patootie down in my chair and have printed out what I have for TSV and am going through it and writing myself a "File for my Sanity" (aka cheat sheet) so that I can know what street names I have, what people names I've used so far, etc. etc.

For character names, I have approx. 18 crucial main players, and then I have 18 other fairly important characters (although there will probably end up being more in this category), and then I have the amazing 97 (NINETY-SEVEN)-ish names that I've dropped here and there for worldbuilding purposes (people's names!!!)...which is only what I have so far. (I still have to comb through the remaining 25 pages or so and this is only in the first 50 pages.)

However, I will say this in my defense: most of the names are absolute throw-aways. And I think it comes across that way. But more than anything, I'm astounded that I was able to come up with so many names! Good Heavens!

Oh, and I have a little less than 60 streets or landmarks named...just in the capital city. Good Heavens. I'm just a leeetle trepidatious about making the map for this city. And I'm kicking myself because apparently I didn't label the countries I'd named on the Southern Continent on the map itself. The clues I've left myself make it easy to remember which one is which, but it really a rather curious reverse engineering project. Fun, though!

Mood: I ought to go to sleep.
Music: HP3
Thought: Spiritual direction tomorrow! Yaaay!


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