The Return of Randominity!
My room is warm
But I am cold
Because I am not in my room
My laptop's hot
My hands are ice
Because I'm using the other XP
My DVD's burning
My nose is freezing
Because my nose cannot record .avi....
~ Metaphors Gone Bad
Daddy wrote this awesome poem that begins "Somewhere in the South of France/Lives a bull who's got my pants" which (hopefully) Julie will be illustrating and then we'll be shopping around.
There's some MAJOR bug on my laptop that is taking up a quarter of my memory!!! What is up with that?!?!?!?!?!? *huff huff huff*
Attempt #29087352 to create Much Ado DVD's is currently taking up my laptop (see above). Please God please God please God! Alas and alack, for some bizarre reason, it refuses to be squished onto a single DVD, so I'm attempting two DVD's now on DVD+R's, which are cheaper than the nicer DVD+RW's and which I REALLY hope work. (Please God please God please God!!!)
Exclamation points and question marks are fun to put together. But why not question points and exclamation marks, one wonders?
Shall We Dance is an utterly charming movie. Despite the yellow monstrosity dress at the end and the omnipresent token gay character (whose part is so negligible as to be an obvious token, and more which counteracts the entire central premise which is that ballroom dancing is not indicative of orientation! Gaaaaah!). However, since they ended the whole thing with "Sway With Me" and everything else was delightful, we give two elbows up.
Drama party the other night, pas mal. Cheerleading competition tonight. School recommences tomorrow. Retreat Wednesday. Parental units in Quebec this week. On Peter duty to get him to/from classes and do some babysitting inbetween school and double-header rehearsals. May need to move up by a week Talent Show. Must make phone calls. Augh! Where will the madness end? I feel the need to sing a Dwarfish song.
Chocolate chip cookies have been in the house this week. So much for my weight. If the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil were chocolate chip cookies, I probably would have eaten, too. Silly, silly Emily. Kicks are for trids.
Christmas Carol coming along well. King of Fools shaping up. Entertained daydream whilst driving to CVS earlier about building a massive theatre complex in this area and creating a sort of Stratford in my backyard. Bwahahahhah. "With rings on her fingers and bell(e)s on her toes, she shall have drama wherever she goes!"
Fr. Jonathan said mass this morning. Loverly on fire for the sermon. Finished off with "Holy God, We Praise Thy Name." Cutest little girl in the pew in front of me - she kept turning around whenever I sang. It's such a beautiful parish. to convince them to use the confessional for those of us who LIKE the screens?
Red Sox rule. 'Nuff said.
Music: Flannel Collage - in the hopes of warmth? ;P
Thought: Curious that man should alone of all known animals striven to find means whereby we are comfortable to the point of inactivity.
My room is warm
But I am cold
Because I am not in my room
My laptop's hot
My hands are ice
Because I'm using the other XP
My DVD's burning
My nose is freezing
Because my nose cannot record .avi....
~ Metaphors Gone Bad
Music: Flannel Collage - in the hopes of warmth? ;P
Thought: Curious that man should alone of all known animals striven to find means whereby we are comfortable to the point of inactivity.
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