The sporadic ramblings of Emily C. A. Snyder - devoted to God, theatre, writing, and much randominity.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Host: "Hamlet to Hamilton: Exploring Verse Drama" | Founder: TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS | Author: "Cupid and Psyche" "Nachtsturm Castle" & Others | Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghost Ship" (Boston Metaphysical Society)

Monday, April 05, 2004


It ate my whole long post. Poot poot poot. In brief:

  • Saw Jesus Christ Superstar. Solid show - not ALW's best by a long-shot. Theologically laughable. Curious how those who don't understand Christ always focus on Judas and fear to touch the resurrection. Glad I saw the show, though.

  • Saw student version of Les Mis - again, very solid. Am somewhat glad I will not direct student version since I want ALL of the play, not with bits excised. Some glorious voices in the cast (and wow that orchestra!) - must see if I can snag them.

  • Have been listening to Wicked. Not entirely sure what I think of it. A trip to NYC may be required.

  • Must go see Tosca in Boston this week or next.

  • Julie is a poetic genius.

  • "Let us go to Neuschwannstein, you and I, where the mountains are laid out against the sky like...."

  • Man, how frustrating is that? I had all this great stuff. Durn internet connections!

  • Purtyful pics. More forthcoming, but these of Theseus and Hippolyta, Lysander and Hermia respectively are currently pared down from the humungo digital size. Click on the image for the larger size.

    Mood: Was existential. Is now pooty.
    Music: Is Amelie, but was Wicked all day.
    Thought: It's a wonderful thing to read review of Broadway shows and go, "HA! See, no one's perfect! We all make mistakes together!" One day, Alice!
    Parce que il y'a un longtemps: Hrm. Nice pics, though.

    Moon Secrets
    You are the Secretive Mermaid. Perpetual beauty
    that longs for legs to walk by the side of men.
    You spend your time gazing at the stars and
    whispering to the moon. You have little to no
    freinds that breathe. Your freinds all missing.
    You are sweet as syryp and kind as cake. There
    are a handful of people and mermaids like you.

    What kind of mermaid are you? (Gorgeous Pics)
    brought to you by Quizilla

    Beauty and the beast
    You are the Beast of Dragons. You are quiet and
    shy. Loving and trustworthy. You would die for
    what you beleive in. You are a logic thinking
    dragon that is very caring. What you lack in
    beauty you make up in love. There are a
    privilidged few who share your title.

    What kind of Dragon are you? (ASTONISHING PICS)
    brought to you by Quizilla


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