The sporadic ramblings of Emily C. A. Snyder - devoted to God, theatre, writing, and much randominity.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Host: "Hamlet to Hamilton: Exploring Verse Drama" | Founder: TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS | Author: "Cupid and Psyche" "Nachtsturm Castle" & Others | Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghost Ship" (Boston Metaphysical Society)

Monday, March 22, 2004

Tres heureux, tres fatigue

I hate post-show syndrome. Hate it, hate it, hate it. And yet, to tell the truth, the let down for this show isn't as hard as the let down for the previous two - mostly because I had Pirates and Dream back to back - no time to breathe in-between! Some thoughts:

  • I'm so totally cheese-doodlin'! Well, not really...more pomfing.... Why do I keep creating such characters? Ah well, it's like swing dancing, I suppose. My lot in life, and for the betterment of others.

  • I need to work in London. They understand theatre there.

  • Biggest show for Dream on Sunday matinee - which is amazing since that's usually a dead audience. Wow! We broke $2K with that audience, praise God.

  • We have an acting troupe. Nyah.

  • I think I will be staying with HCH....

  • Tonight an interview...tomorrow an many more steps to Calvary?

  • So, maybe Les Mis....

  • Can we say I am so buying the materials I need to edit. Yeah.

  • It's interesting how theraputic it is to edit the plays together. It's like I get to live in that world one last time. It's a way to close the book. And yet how curious it is to be in a play, to live in that world, and then to watch the video like one peering through a window, and then to have the blind closed. Almost, I feel as though these are other worlds. I know others have speculated whether we would get to "meet" our characters in Heaven, and I know we can't for they are fabrications - but there is a deeper mystery here into the mind of God (which is reality and not the realistic fantasy that theatre creates).

  • Did I mention that I miss that world already?

  • Did I mention how proud I am of them? I'll mention it again.

  • Did I mention that I hate post-play syndrome? I did - and still do.

  • How much do you want to bet that I'll start writing The Snow Queen again tomorrow.

  • Lay odds to that, but your better odds are that I'll start editing tomorrow.

  • The Bergomask rocks! FWAH!

  • Trogdor the Emily the Manifier! FWAHdiddyFWAH! (Yeah, baby, yeah? Honestly, who DID throw that cupcake...excellent.)

    Und now ve tanze! (Canst du cha-cha-cha tanzen?) Or go to chorus. And then home (alleluia!) and then to the interview and then home and then to sleep and then to teach tomorrow (did I actually make it through today?) and then tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow and eventually Macbeth, but hopefully not before Hamlet. QED.

    Mood: I've got theatre, I've got music, I've got my God, who could ask for anything more?
    Music: Jumbled.
    Thought: *sniffle*


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