The sporadic ramblings of Emily C. A. Snyder - devoted to God, theatre, writing, and much randominity.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Host: "Hamlet to Hamilton: Exploring Verse Drama" | Founder: TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS | Author: "Cupid and Psyche" "Nachtsturm Castle" & Others | Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghost Ship" (Boston Metaphysical Society)

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Happy joy

Rehearsal odd tonight - several actors either couldn't make it or were late hence I ended up working on certain sections, tightening up, etc. We hopes, precious, they remembers (yes, yes, stay asleep and let frog go!). Full run tomorrow. Must redo/modify a few costumes - NB's esp. Ah well - not that difficult, thank God. This is my sort of costuming - lots of drapery. Set decoration Saturday. Sunday, sleep, peut-etre?

I had a lovely debate going in my brain before what with all this nonsense about changing things from what they ARE to what they are NOT. The curious thing - or rather, the unsurprising thing - is that this isn't all stemming simply from jeuvenile sex drive, but rather from a deeper rooted cultural vanity. "Vanity, vanity - all is vanity." Oh, nevermind the empirical proof from another western country from whom we have received our lineage: we Americans are not like them! Oh, nevermind consequence, nevermind result - we are the proud Americans and what we declare shall be, even if it is not. "And nothing is but what is not" - ah we need to see Macbeth now and learn from his pride. No wonder that his wife, upon learning from the wyrd sisters that Macbeth will rule, cries sickening defiance to the Heavens, tearing her robe, "Unsex me now!" We are now contravening even the ocular proof for a legalized insanity. How stupid - that is, unable to learn - can we become? We spit on the democracy of the dead, our fathers, the entire history of man for better and for worse and declare that WE know more than all other men who have ever lived. Is this not pride? No. Rather it is willful stupidity.

I haven't been apocolyptic for a while now, but I'm in some serious danger of falling back into looking out for horsemen over ever horizon. But, danger has been averted in the past - "Possibly she won't go down/possibly she'll stay afloat/possibly all this will come to an end/on a positive note." And thus sank the Titanic. Indicative of America? Possibly. We're burning our few lifeboats now.

Mood: I need sleep!
Music: The latest from The Snow Queen
Lest one wonder why the title:

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