Paul, pray for me!
Saints Paul, Augustine and Francis are my men. Pray for me!
Shattered Glass is a simply amazing film. Excellent.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is good, but has an act II that goes on forever and too much jigglecam.
It looks like it really WILL be Les Mis! Glory, glory - alleluia!
Darn public journals.
Love's Labour's Lost CD is excellent. Long live Branaugh's Shakespeare's!
Lost in a Good Book is far better than The Eyre Affair, which was solid but still finding its way. Alas, the third installment of the Thursday Next novels is still in hardback. Bah. We wants to know what now!
Rain, rain, go away....
So, it seems half my furnishings will be going away in about two weeks. A pity - I'd quite come to like the desk, the two chairs and the table, but I shall be glad to have the bed gone and the drawers as well.
Gloomy days utterly squash my desire to do. Must remember that as much as I like London, I'd go nuts there what with all the rain.
I'm writing that play and it's coming along well! Titleless, but very well. Funny - lively - yet with several convolutions and upcoming poignant bits. Bwahahahhaha. It is good to write.
God bless Oscar Wilde - and I do mean that.
Some days I'm all for an increase of self-mortification...alas, the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Thank God tomorrow's Friday. And it's Lent.
I have noooooooooooooo energy. Blaugh! Oh, sun, where art thou? Shine! Arise! Pierce the gloomy hours of a never-ending six o'clock and bring me day once more!
I have given up again on M&M's. Perhaps I shall take up...kyaking (sp?) instead. Hrumph.
So many cool ideas for the stage and blocking of Les Mis. (I'm doing Les Mis? Good golly, God is good even to one so very undeserving. I'm so excited I could say narf. In fact, I think I will say narf! Narf narf!)
I need a closet! Check that: I need money with which to purchase a wardrobe. Check that: I need to find a place that SELLS wardrobes and not TV armoires posing as wardrobes but which are actually little better than uber-expensive pieces of electronics-hiding. Oy.
I'm glad I'm not a journalist. I wouldn't have the patience. Although I admire the integrity that ought to go with the profession.
Longer hair seems to be coming back "in." That's nice. Now, if only rap and the current various forms of meaningless noise would make their way back to the dustbin of pop rock.... going to get up now and check on sheets! And thus another few minutes are sucked up by the void that is the internet. *disappearing, muttering, in a cloud of pixelated smoke*
Mood: Soooo...this is extra time is it?
Music: "Let's Face the Music and Dance" a la Love's Labour's Lost
Thought: Yeah, what Clementine said to Patrick.
Mood: Soooo...this is extra time is it?
Music: "Let's Face the Music and Dance" a la Love's Labour's Lost
Thought: Yeah, what Clementine said to Patrick.
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