The sporadic ramblings of Emily C. A. Snyder - devoted to God, theatre, writing, and much randominity.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Host: "Hamlet to Hamilton: Exploring Verse Drama" | Founder: TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS | Author: "Cupid and Psyche" "Nachtsturm Castle" & Others | Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghost Ship" (Boston Metaphysical Society)

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Catterpillar Kisses

Are simply the best. Jill does more theraputic good than a weekend of sleep (and potentially than a week in the Caribbean - depending on who was there, of course...), West Side and possibly Oz Friday and Saturday respectively, with Pirates debriefing Sunday, and grading done between-times for Tuesday's deadline and can there really be only 11 and 2/3 days of school in April...? Curious. Not so terrible with the Seniors - we've covered all the major bits - but the Sophomores will require a bit of cramming. Am attempting to wake up earlier in the morning and eat less throughout the day - Jn.Cg. has changed how they work, not entirely sure I'm all for it - back to drinking more water, alleluia. Am thinking of writing next year's HCH play - maybe something about gangsters, with absolutely NO wimpy male roles, as per request. No swords, alack, but plenty of guns possible. Dunno. Potential there, however. Delve back into that Jeckyll/Hyde/chess/Quiz Show/Fugitive thingummy? Poss. I know there are all these great plays out there, but some how I never believe it until I've SEEN (or heard), not necessarily READ it. Who's a kinetic learner? I am! I am! Off to sleep. White Zinfadel is good, and barely popped - proud that I managed to actually get the cork out without a) breaking said cork or b) having to resort to someone else's strength. Fwah. Were it chocolate, it should not have lasted this long - or if it had (miraculously), it would never be OPENED six days after its reception. Fortunately does not need to be chilled and so may be kept out of way of those who have their eye on it. Still so very sleepy. Have somewhat absolved myself by realizing (again) that I'm recouping from five straight months of 75-hr/week work, give or take (usually give). A week's exhaustion is therefore not unsurprising. Have apparently decided to boycott pronouns in favor of giving verbs predominance. Must be result of reading BJD:TEOR. What we do to while away the brainless hours!

Mood: Goodnight, my love....
Music: Frequently my various moody songs on mental rotation. Most currently, "One more day all on my own/One more day with him not caring/What a life I might have known/But he never saw me there."
Thought: The role of Eponine has once again gained status in my eyes due to real life. How I do look forward to really tapping into each character of Les Mis!


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