Where have all the preachers gone?
Church of the Masses, aka Barbara Nicolosi, does it again! Please, please Lord, send us good preachers! St. John Chrystosom (sp? - sorry!), of the Golden Throat, pray for us!
Catholic and Enjoying It!, aka Mark Shea, reports that no sooner has Bush finally listened to the voice of the people (let alone decency, common sense, and human feeling - let alone God's law) and finally banned partial birth abortion, than a Nebraska judge has prohibited that ban in his state. I'm going to be sick! Sure - let's protect the right for doctors to jam scissors into a baby's skull and then vacuum out her brains. Let's continue the practice of crushing a baby's head between forceps, as she's moments from entering the world. Yeah, this is so really in the interest of a better life for everybody. Stop and think for a moment folks. Visualize. Think of the infant you've held in your arms and rocked to sleep. Now imagining bashing her brains against the wall, or leaving her to starve, or getting a kitchen knife and inserting it into her skull! Are you sickened yet? Yet you ought to be - that's what the law is "striving to protect." The Greeks have a word for it: infanticide. We might want to resurrect their language before we lay down our children to the mouth of Moloch.
Not for the faint of heart. A diagram of how partial birth abortion works. Actual photos of babies who were murdered by "partial birth abortion," recovered from garbage cans.
Mood: Why does it get so dark so early?
Music: "They had it comin' - they took a flower in its prime, and then they used it, and they abused it"
Thought: All our sorrows are not new. But all our joys are ever young.
Church of the Masses, aka Barbara Nicolosi, does it again! Please, please Lord, send us good preachers! St. John Chrystosom (sp? - sorry!), of the Golden Throat, pray for us!

Catholic and Enjoying It!, aka Mark Shea, reports that no sooner has Bush finally listened to the voice of the people (let alone decency, common sense, and human feeling - let alone God's law) and finally banned partial birth abortion, than a Nebraska judge has prohibited that ban in his state. I'm going to be sick! Sure - let's protect the right for doctors to jam scissors into a baby's skull and then vacuum out her brains. Let's continue the practice of crushing a baby's head between forceps, as she's moments from entering the world. Yeah, this is so really in the interest of a better life for everybody. Stop and think for a moment folks. Visualize. Think of the infant you've held in your arms and rocked to sleep. Now imagining bashing her brains against the wall, or leaving her to starve, or getting a kitchen knife and inserting it into her skull! Are you sickened yet? Yet you ought to be - that's what the law is "striving to protect." The Greeks have a word for it: infanticide. We might want to resurrect their language before we lay down our children to the mouth of Moloch.
Not for the faint of heart. A diagram of how partial birth abortion works. Actual photos of babies who were murdered by "partial birth abortion," recovered from garbage cans.
Mood: Why does it get so dark so early?
Music: "They had it comin' - they took a flower in its prime, and then they used it, and they abused it"
Thought: All our sorrows are not new. But all our joys are ever young.
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