The sporadic ramblings of Emily C. A. Snyder - devoted to God, theatre, writing, and much randominity.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Host: "Hamlet to Hamilton: Exploring Verse Drama" | Founder: TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS | Author: "Cupid and Psyche" "Nachtsturm Castle" & Others | Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghost Ship" (Boston Metaphysical Society)

Saturday, November 08, 2003


More thunks before retiring:

1) The poetry on this site isn't meant to be taken over seriously. Alas, a filter that most likely only Julie possesses on every other alternate Thursday in months ending in "Y" will somehow make sense of metaphors gone wild based off a tenuous reality.

2) Noises Off is a STUPID play. It's a great concept, but poorly executed, with all these plants and NO pay-offs, no story line or through arc or anything. One is tempted to write a good version of that play. One may do so and put it on this summer if one is not overworked with other productions (one hopes).

3) I still like my hat.

4) Beautiful funeral mass this morning. Father Mike Mac gave the homily (thank You, God!), and although I don't usually find myself affected by death in real life (weird, I know), I found myself tearing up here - and I never knew the man. The thing was, I was actually contemplating my own mortality, and what my funeral might be like, and how perhaps I could still bring others to Christ if I "direct" my funeral before I die - write out what I want, etc. Anywho, even better I felt very close to God - a grace I've not had for a while, at least directly - and all I wanted was to lean into His arms on a coast very much like Ireland's rocky shores, all covered in long green grass. *sigh* Lord? Some days I wouldn't mind going home, even if it is early. But You know best, and I do like it here, but keep me worthy of You. Amen.

5) So, it looks like I've got an AD! Woo-hoo! Tres excited about Pirates now. Went to Two-Ring last night, and things went spiffingly (even if I was cornered a few times by nervous newbies trying to get an "in" with the director. *sigh* Whaddevah. Where are the chicken wings?). Watched the 1993 copy of the play. Yeah - feeling confident. Have an AD who is faboo. Meeting Monday night re: auditions. Auditions all too soon! Things are going to be completely crazy. I'm going to forget all about taking time for myself. I'm going to need to give myself retreats on a semi-regular basis: my guess? Mostly Sundays! Oh, Lord - You trickster, You! Busy day today, busy day tomorrow, and then this week is going to kick off about five months of various levels of stressful hell. Y'know - I admire Dante, but I didn't really want to sign up for the full-tour. ;P

6) Going to sleep soon. Going to watch the Tango again to bolster myself. Rachel wants me to do the Quartet next. Did I write that already? May do something shorter, to save HD space whilst waiting to get new HD. Must save sheckles for new HD. Gave rather large check to Mom and Dad - am glad to have finally done so. Pulling in my belt. This is good - poverty is a good thing - yeah, what was that about being Franciscan? Oy! Well, I am resigning myself to you more and more, Francis old buddy old pal. Hmmm, might not be a bad idea to look into joining the secular Franciscans. Must talk to Jenny Wren about that. Wow, how we digress....

7) And on the seventh day, He rested.

Mood: Sleepy with an ill-made bed
Music: Naught at the moment. Perhaps Henry V again.
Thought: Jules is watching A Walk to Remember upstairs. *snerk* Get me one, Daddy! Why is it that we write so much about the "bad boy with the heart of gold" and fall for the requisite bad boy in life and then find out that the heart of gold bit is what makes the books we love fiction? I suppose it's the universal fallen Eve's desire for her fallen husband, Adam. Regardless, get me a Byronic hero any day! (Except that in real life I'd end up beating him black and blue for being such a nerd and then throw up my hands at his moodiness and find myself a nice, limping male Librarian instead. "That is why it's called fiction." ;)


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