The sporadic ramblings of Emily C. A. Snyder - devoted to God, theatre, writing, and much randominity.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Host: "Hamlet to Hamilton: Exploring Verse Drama" | Founder: TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS | Author: "Cupid and Psyche" "Nachtsturm Castle" & Others | Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghost Ship" (Boston Metaphysical Society)

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Summertiiiime! And the going is eeeeeeasy

Slept in today. Haven't done so in a while. Read bits of Niamh in preparation of writing today more in that story due to Arx. Is turning into something that James Bobsboy is telling and then living out - with ref. to Gethin's Mom - as well as, of course, how James and Agnes Bakersdaugther got together. (There is apparently some mytery about Agnes's father's origins...woohoo! I'd NO idea!)

Last night went to see Thomas Howard at Trivvium High School. Curious to see so many stolid academium "elite" but Catholic. The Catholic Concordites, rather. Not bad - just again, I realize that I am so a Franciscan, not a Dominican. Hopefully, though, I'll be able to mirror those two in Dante's Paradisio. Must learn how to here on earth. And the whirligig of thought becomes the Dowager Dutchess...!

Thrones, Dominations didn't quite work for me. Author tried too hard to sound like Sayers. Good attempt, but ultimately failed in my book. The author didn't really BELIEVE in the social, theological, philosophical statements she was making. She just felt the need to make said statements because Sayers did. Likewise, we needn't have had all those winks and nods at Sayers' earlier works and characters therein. Sayers was never one to wink and nod to her audience, but trusted upon their intelligence. Were this merely a work of fanfiction, I should never bring these complaints against it. But it was published as a collaboration. Hah. Ah well - good for her to have tried.

At the Thomas Howard speech last night, got many good ideas. I need to write up a separate post on it, but haven't the time at the moment since a) Confession is waiting and b) so is painting the windowsills. Suffice to say, I got to speak briefly with him, and even give him a copy of Niamh. It was a delight to listen to a learned man. It feeds the brain! (And teaches one how to pronounce piquant.)

God has been very good. Two affirmations from God via students - I actually was allowed to see the fruit of my labor! Thank You, God! I really needed that - and it quite blew me away. Then, too, I got to see Trav when Rachel came to her lesson. Two for one! Rachel is doing quite well - I'm very proud of her.

And can Pirates auditions be really right around the corner? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I was working on "Climbing Over Rocky Mountains" dance the other day behind the curtain where the stage USED to be. I figure, hey....

Listening to Andrew Lloyd Webber. He did interesting things, but kept forgetting story. I have decided that I am Jerome Robbins. Which means I must ask RNs to be backstage during performance. Gah!

And another question: why must the show go on? There is no question is must, but why? From whence does this feeling come? One has an idea that it's wrapped up within existence itself. I mean one's own existence, not the shows. It's the same reason that suicide is so abhorrent. The show MUST go on. There is no one to replace anyone else. Life is not full of pinch-hitters. It's exhilerating and terrifying all at once. Terrific in its correct sense.

Who knew that sophistication came from sophistry and vitiation? Hah! Must include that in Sable Valentine.

Mood: So Much To Do!
Music: Best of Andrew Lloyd Webber - sappy and dippy but hummable
Thought: The more we need confession, the less we desire it. And I hate intercoms!!!!!


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