The sporadic ramblings of Emily C. A. Snyder - devoted to God, theatre, writing, and much randominity.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Host: "Hamlet to Hamilton: Exploring Verse Drama" | Founder: TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS | Author: "Cupid and Psyche" "Nachtsturm Castle" & Others | Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghost Ship" (Boston Metaphysical Society)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

At last I can start suffering...

...and write that symphony! ~ Cosmo from Singing in the Rain

So, because Nachtsturm Castle is now available from, I decided it was long overdue for me to update my personal page which you can find here.

And as I was doing so, I was struck with "Wowzers! I guess I've written and published a good bit. Quite a bit of it not by me!" (Although it was hilarious to go through the 1993 Impact Literary Magazine which had an embarrasement of riches. I can't find the 1994 magazine, which is rather irksome, though!)

The frustrating thing is, that although I recently wrote to Bob something like this:

Some great news first:

When I was down in NYC, I had a chance to meet with my publishers, which has resulted in another acceptance, this time for a short play called Math for Actors which I directed over the summer (the link goes to the video). Playscripts has asked to see three more plays (Nutcracker, One Nation, and French Butler) and we'll see where we go from there...! Wallace's Will is starting to pick up - I've begun keeping a map of who's ordered the book (blue) and who's ordered performances (pink). Very exciting!

And, because this has become the ridiculous world of publishing these past few months, and as a fellow Austen-phile, I'll tell you that my sequel to Northanger Abbey, the ridiculously-named Nachtsturm Castle, has been picked up by (Long story how that fell in my lap. Let's just say, the web is a happy thing. And novels written a decade ago, apparently, do not die.) Otherwise, I'm acting in Theatre906's All in the Timing (Mrs. Trotsky in "Variations on the Death of Trotsky," Milton in "Words, Words, Words," Betty in "Sure Thing," and the Waitress in "The Philadelphia." I find the monkey the hardest, but I quite like the Marxist!), and prepping to direct some unnamed but female-heavy play in December and music direct "Guys and Dolls" in March.

And then asked for possible recommendations to gradschool (redux) for Fall looks like I'm doing a lot, and I am doing a lot - I mean...this is a lot! I think it's six plays I've written this year? But none of it is monetary. Or lucrative enough to support survival. Which makes me go, "Hey, God. This is cool. This is very boho-chic. But what do you think about supplying yesterday's daily bread? Hmm? Hmmm!"

So, support a starving artist! Buy Wallace's Will! Buy Nachtsturm Castle! Hip hip hoorah! Hours of entertainment at your command!

Mood: Improving - the cold is (hopefully) lifting
Music: The Pierces
Thought: But seriously, check out the very cool new Author pages!


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