Happy Day!
It's snowing! (Hurrah for Toodles!)
All is well with Mom. Looooooong lunches being friends. Goodness.
And, all my dear friends, I want to reconnect with you. I shall endeavor to do so. Forgive my silences, amen!
Just learned of Bright Eyes "First Day of My Life" and purchased "The Last Kiss" soundtrack. Ah for acoustic coffeeshop simplicity.
And for PIRATES! (Really, watch the video!)
Did up the Costume Rendering video for Hamlet and downloaded what was videotaped by the kids. It's really very good. Oh, my goodness, MATT! He is soooooooo funny! Pumas! Forever! And Penguins on Speed! And more Pumas! Oy! Happiness.
Jules is nervous about tomorrow's party. If you're in the area, do drop by. (Ah, Krissytina, for our old New Years Eve parties! :)
Good Lord for alliance. (Huh, and possibly more Alliance. We'll see. Insane thoughts. Don't want to burn out, however. We are not really rabbits after all. I trust I make myself obscure.)
Dear Lord - amen. Help me overcome my own stupidity and shortcomings. Amen.
Neato meditation for today: "Christmas is the feast of faith.... Faith, therefore, is the light that, in the beginning, foresees the fulfillment. It does not despise the beginning.... Faith is seeing in the beginning the fulfillment, the road to fulfillment. Faith is not being afraid of a meager or precarious beginning. Instead, faith is seeing in the beginning the promising sign of glory.... This is Christmas: faith in the beginning, a wager on the beginning. But let us not forget the most important thing: every day is a new beginning. Each moment we can be re-born. This is the miracle of Christmas." ~ Monsignor Massimo Camisaca
Mood: In need of phone calls
Music: Bizarrely "Vogue" - c'mon! Get out your best 80's hand moves!
Thought: Now for conviction!
Mood: In need of phone calls
Music: Bizarrely "Vogue" - c'mon! Get out your best 80's hand moves!
Thought: Now for conviction!
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