The sporadic ramblings of Emily C. A. Snyder - devoted to God, theatre, writing, and much randominity.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Host: "Hamlet to Hamilton: Exploring Verse Drama" | Founder: TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS | Author: "Cupid and Psyche" "Nachtsturm Castle" & Others | Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghost Ship" (Boston Metaphysical Society)

Sunday, February 29, 2004

Lift high the banners of love, alleluia!

  • The Third Steubenville Project is much needed. I had forgotten "The Sweetness of Our Lord" and "Lift High the Banners of Love" - FWAH! There is more to life than sappy songs about eros - there are songs of greatness and worship, of divine love, in fact. (Love is a song, as Solomon well pointed out. Hence, the songs for Church ought to be the most breathtaking of all music, or else it does disservice to Him who is Love.)

  • This afternoon's audience was spectacular. And the show was excellent. Amazingly, this evening's show topped that. This is the way the play ends: not with a wimper...but with a BANG! (It is only half past eleven and you are one of us until the clock strikes twelve.)

  • Still, there are two scenes that I should have liked to rehaul almost entirely. Ah well. Nothing in this life is ever perfect.

  • It was good to talk to Brendon, no matter how briefly. It clarified some things that I had not wanted to clarify. Now, Lord, I ask for Your timing, Your will and Your words.

  • Words will be had. Some things ought to be known.

  • Good God! Let me not I was.

  • I was a little saddened to leave earlier than I had hoped from the cast party tonight. I really needed to know that I had the cast's approval of the show more than mere words but through their laughter and excitement and love for the show itself. I am such a weak creature, such a skeptic, such a self-critic that I needed to see them enjoying it. At least we got through the Major General's entrance but.... It's simply difficult. I did hear more good things this second weekend than I did the first, which is heartening. But....

  • So, it appears that Hudson High is in need of an acting teacher. This is a matter much in need of prayer. Lord, what do You desire? Please make Your will known to me! Amen.

  • What does one desire? Truly desire? A communal, "I love you!" would be nice. And yet, I avoid even the glimmer of that for fear of a swollen head. Is this false humility? Or am I simply refusing to hear? Or is this merely the affliction of we so-called "artists"? UGH! One would hope that God alone would satisfy - and yet I am not so saintly a creature yet. I have the premonition that even should worldly accolades be thrown upon me, I should not truly credit them. Then what do I credit? Yes - the opinion of those dear to me. And perhaps because that was somewhat lacking.... And yet, there are many who said that this was one of the best Pirates they have ever seen - and so it is! I am so proud of them! I would that I could bravely claim that pride as well. Loverly "Mabel" was going on and on about the audience reaction to the FWAH/POMF/SNERK kiss in Act II - yeah. That was good. Wow...the audience got it! What more can I ask? There art thou happy!

  • Going - just realized what time/day it is.

    Mood: Quoi?
    Music: "As I Kneel Before You" from the Steubie-U III album. Alleluia!
    Prayer: Mother Mary, please pray for me! Please teach me how to be like you so that I may become a disciple of your Son. Make me your handmaiden. Please keep me safe. Amen.


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