The sporadic ramblings of Emily C. A. Snyder - devoted to God, theatre, writing, and much randominity.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Host: "Hamlet to Hamilton: Exploring Verse Drama" | Founder: TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS | Author: "Cupid and Psyche" "Nachtsturm Castle" & Others | Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghost Ship" (Boston Metaphysical Society)

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Siren Sounds Salero

Rule #1 in Life: There is never quite enough time to sleep.

Rule #2: There is never enough hot water - or drains that don't drain at inopportune times.

Rule #3: Fingernails and toenails don't grow at the same rate: making the pedicure you have today the pedicure you'll have for the next several months.

Question #1: Why shaving? (Darn world war II pseudo-nylons!)

Question #2: Who discovered hot wax and ripping strips? May I kiss them?

(Question #2A: Would I want to kiss them?)

Question #3: Who did invent bread?

Conundrum #1: Wherefore "grading"? Why not learning?

Conundrum #2: How is it that a well-made bed makes any room look tidy?

Conundrum #3: How is it that people ever marry if no one is perfect?

Frustration #1: Why is it that those listening only hear the third time around?

Frustration #2: Why is it that worldbuilding that is so well done it's completely believable is not believed by those who read works of worldbuilding?

Frustration #3: Why am I always five beats behind where I ought to be, leaving me only one beat ahead of where I must be?

Solution #1: Pampering can soothe the savage soul. Or at least clean it.

Solution #2: Prayer, particularly the rosary, is a powerful thing.

Solution #3: Reading good literature or better philosophy is conducive to better thinking and right reason - which is in precious short supply.

Mood: Trudge.
Music: Sinbad - need to work in the siren music to MSND if poss. - brilliant piece of work, that.
Thought: "And if I die on that battlefield (Will you mourn me?)/Can I face my God as I am? (Watch over him, if You love me!)/If to my love I've kept silent and cold (Mercy)/Then before Love, how can I stand?"


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