The sporadic ramblings of Emily C. A. Snyder - devoted to God, theatre, writing, and much randominity.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Host: "Hamlet to Hamilton: Exploring Verse Drama" | Founder: TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS | Author: "Cupid and Psyche" "Nachtsturm Castle" & Others | Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghost Ship" (Boston Metaphysical Society)

Friday, July 25, 2003

Not Happy

So I'm on the phone with the guy from Circuit City (since that's apparently where I have the warranty for my (@&#% laptop) and first he's nearly *impossible!* to understand with this slurring Australian *drawl* and then he's patronizing and making me go through all this stuff I've already done with TWO other companies thus far...and THEN he tells me that it's a NINETY-NINE PERCENT CHANCE that I'll lose everything! on my computer!!!


But no, that's not all. See, the folks at Radio Shack said that *they* just plugged it in with a new power cord and it worked *fine.* But Mr. I'm From Down Under there is saying that it's the motherboard yadda yadda yadda.... GAH! These stupid stupid so-called TECH personnel! My left FOOT!

*huff huff*

We are not amused.

And today *had* been going so well, as well. I had gone to Fiddler on the Roof last night and met up with Ashley. It was a very good production. Nothing to complain about majorly - although the choreography could have been better. But overall it was very solid. And the directors use of Fyetka (sp?) was...FWAH. (That actor was FWAH!) So I come home and I'm all pumped, so I watch through bits and pieces of the other Bearskin tapes and am thrilled and pleased as punch to see that it's going to make for a good edit, and then I find out today that my laptop is IN at Radio Shack and when I went to go pick it up I stopped by Sears and so met up with DJ whom I haven't seen in forever and it was so pleasant to chat with him - oy! It's been so long! - and then....

Circuit City Happened.


Right. I'll just march myself down to some store tomorrow, slap DOWN the money for a power cord and check it out myself. And perhaps get it working long enough to back it up. But HONESTLY! (Saucy Australians slurring words what are they doing on a tech line making no sense whatsoever and this is the daughter of the computer guy who can generally speak their lingo sounding like a total LOON because Mr. Mealy Mouth G'day Mate can't speak properly and what's this about NINETY-NINE PERCENT CHANCE - see, see how perturbed I am? I'm abusing puncutation and capitalization and font dohickies to no END! OY!)

*huff huff*

No, precious. We are not happy.

Mood: See above.
Music: The electric droning of the downstairs freezer
Desire: To edit Bearskin and have that DVD party! *wimper*
Going To: L'il Abner for the Hudson Arts Alliance - expect little, but should be good to pick apart. Oh, I'm not critical! >}


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