The sporadic ramblings of Emily C. A. Snyder - devoted to God, theatre, writing, and much randominity.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Host: "Hamlet to Hamilton: Exploring Verse Drama" | Founder: TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS | Author: "Cupid and Psyche" "Nachtsturm Castle" & Others | Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghost Ship" (Boston Metaphysical Society)

Monday, July 21, 2003

Crooks and Nannies of MA

Went to pick up my brother from VBS today and so toodled along a road in Hudson with which I was not familiar. LOVELY little backroad, so very placid and picturesque. One wanted to be in a chaise-and-four rather than a Toyota stationwagon. Greenery, leafery, the occasional gravel avenue, posts that declared "Four Bridges Road" and made one want to claim that as one's habitation. "Yes, I live on Four Bridges." Even better - "Yes, I live in Four Bridges." Very hobbity name that. Must put it in a book somewhere. Dvorne? Brauze? Another world entire? (Could it be snuck into Lunadie? It'd be lovely if Theophilus [soooo thrilled to be able to use that name! *snerk!*] could say that he originally hailed from "Four Bridges in Dvorne." Yes, I think he shall.)

Elsewise, the tendonitisted-heel is acting up yesterday and today. *nnnnngh!* Taking my pills, wearing my glow-in-the-dark heel supports (why glow-in-the-dark? If I have a heel problem I doubt I'll be doing midnight sprinting...), rolling the heel over a tennis ball...and yet! Ah well. Watched Jules & Johnny's Pirates of Penzance last night to garner ideas. Think I have a way to keep the emotional intensity and make plausible the rather silly ending. Only need to add in an instrumental reprise of "Away away!" and manage somehow to have Frederick swing down on a rope to save the Pirate King's rear (hence making the Pirates victorious).... Anywho, kept me up until 3 ay-emma, thinking about blocking and going over and OVER that silly ending. Also spent some precious time thinking about props/choreography for "Climbing Over Rocky Mountains" and attempting to figure out just WHAT the characters/motivations are for Kate and Edith - other than back up Supreme sisters to Mabel. (Oy!) Getting there...getting there.

And now, Peter is firmly ensconced in his own room...his bed is out of mine...I can clean up the OTHER bed and then put it up against the wall. Silly beds! (Kicks are for trids?) And whilst I do so, will find a blank tape and make either a) the encouragement tape for A. or b) a piratical drinking tape. Avast!

Mood: Curiously Cheerful
Music: Ye Jacobites by Name as sung by Clam Chowder
Who I'm On the Phone With: Radioshack folk re: my laptop - IT'S ALIVE!

Sometimes these things *do* cheer one up...(must go see this film again!)

Talk about inner conflict. Looks like you're
Elizabeth and Jack. A lot of times you don't
trust yourself to know what's right, and you
have a hard time loosening up, but you've got a
great sense of humor and you're damn clever.
Love doesn't loom large in your worldview, but
maybe it should.

What couple from Pirates of the Caribbean are you most like? (w/ PICS!)
brought to you by Quizilla

And One More (Gee - *how* did they know that scene was so faboo? [Yooou are soooo faboooooooooooo!])

jack and eliz on island
You are "Welcome to the Caribbean, love."
You're more than a little world-weary, but also
intelligent and you keep your head when things
get dodgy. You're everybody's favorite
drinking buddy, but your stubbornness does get
in the way sometimes.

Which one of Captain Jack Sparrow's bizarre sayings from Pirates of the Caribbean are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


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