Another blog in lieu of Freecell
I am determined to at least get this scene started. But I - not the scene - am being a scootch. There comes a certain point where I need what I'm writing about visualized. I need some tangible point of reference - something in plausible 3-D is best. I've got all my maps, etc. - and no mistake those are helpful - but even more I need to know what it would look like to the person there. Frequently I can guess at how it would look by looking at my maps, etc. - but currently I'm attempting to think exactly how high each building in Castell Gwyr is to the other. I always get rather mucky-feeling when I start describing buildings or towns. Architecture is very dear to me, although I'm not terribly good at it by any stretch of the imagination, but I'd like to get it right for the book.
So, the Great Hall of Castell Gwyr is seven stories high. The top three stories have since been given floors, so that when one walks into the Great Hall now, one "only" looks up four stories. Which would be approximately, what? Forty feet? I suppose about the height of St. Peter's in Rome - not at its absolute apex, but it's general height. And then the top three stories are used for...dunno. Staterooms, one presumes? Galleries? Nothing? That doesn't seem quite right. The scions of Siawn Shieldbearer have loads to contend with but appear fairly practical - or at least GREAT at hiring practical folk. However, I've a feeling many of those rooms aren't used - which could be helpful in this scene. Aiden & Riordan could hide out there for a while. I imagine those are the same rooms where Iorwrydd & Wynne used to tryst before they eloped. Huh. Rather "garret-ish" - or Secret Garden-ish. Good, good. At some point, too, I'll need to do a map of the town - I've only a vague conception now. But I'll need someone with a less strictured mind than mine to come up with the winding streets.
Curiously, in the picture I doodled up (bad, admittedly, and not near accurate re: relation of buildings to each other - but it'll do for now), it reminds me rather of Austria. I suppose this is a good thing. *sigh* We wants to GO there, precious! Either to Castell Gwyr or Austria. I don't mind which! :D I've decided to post the picture - recall it's just done up quickly on Adobe Photoshop Elements - and meant as more a very very rough sketch for my own benefit. But since this post is for my own benefit as well, I shan't wory overmuch. (Hmmm, one is desirous to include a secret message a la Lemony Snicket.... The Duck Flies at Midnight! ...pass it on...) Huh, I'll need ornamentation on the front - statues a la Vienna, I think. That'd be nice. Half-rising men holding up columns, that sort of thing. I forgot the Lily Spire on the Symphonia and the walkway between the Green House and the Symphonia. Actually, the Green House ought to be all windowed and not as it currently is in the picture.... Ach weel, it gives me a beginning point!
I like putting pictures in my blog. Doodle doodle daaaaaaay!
Right - back to Riordan feeling apprehentious. Really. Really. I can write....
Mood: Anxious. Less than an hour before sleep requires me and VERY LITTLE WRITTEN!
Music: Merry's CD, Mary's Eyes a la Gaelic Storm
Thought: I lurve Hugh Jackman's Oklahoma. Have I mentioned how wonderful he is? Silly boy ought to come and work for me.
I am determined to at least get this scene started. But I - not the scene - am being a scootch. There comes a certain point where I need what I'm writing about visualized. I need some tangible point of reference - something in plausible 3-D is best. I've got all my maps, etc. - and no mistake those are helpful - but even more I need to know what it would look like to the person there. Frequently I can guess at how it would look by looking at my maps, etc. - but currently I'm attempting to think exactly how high each building in Castell Gwyr is to the other. I always get rather mucky-feeling when I start describing buildings or towns. Architecture is very dear to me, although I'm not terribly good at it by any stretch of the imagination, but I'd like to get it right for the book.

So, the Great Hall of Castell Gwyr is seven stories high. The top three stories have since been given floors, so that when one walks into the Great Hall now, one "only" looks up four stories. Which would be approximately, what? Forty feet? I suppose about the height of St. Peter's in Rome - not at its absolute apex, but it's general height. And then the top three stories are used for...dunno. Staterooms, one presumes? Galleries? Nothing? That doesn't seem quite right. The scions of Siawn Shieldbearer have loads to contend with but appear fairly practical - or at least GREAT at hiring practical folk. However, I've a feeling many of those rooms aren't used - which could be helpful in this scene. Aiden & Riordan could hide out there for a while. I imagine those are the same rooms where Iorwrydd & Wynne used to tryst before they eloped. Huh. Rather "garret-ish" - or Secret Garden-ish. Good, good. At some point, too, I'll need to do a map of the town - I've only a vague conception now. But I'll need someone with a less strictured mind than mine to come up with the winding streets.
Curiously, in the picture I doodled up (bad, admittedly, and not near accurate re: relation of buildings to each other - but it'll do for now), it reminds me rather of Austria. I suppose this is a good thing. *sigh* We wants to GO there, precious! Either to Castell Gwyr or Austria. I don't mind which! :D I've decided to post the picture - recall it's just done up quickly on Adobe Photoshop Elements - and meant as more a very very rough sketch for my own benefit. But since this post is for my own benefit as well, I shan't wory overmuch. (Hmmm, one is desirous to include a secret message a la Lemony Snicket.... The Duck Flies at Midnight! ...pass it on...) Huh, I'll need ornamentation on the front - statues a la Vienna, I think. That'd be nice. Half-rising men holding up columns, that sort of thing. I forgot the Lily Spire on the Symphonia and the walkway between the Green House and the Symphonia. Actually, the Green House ought to be all windowed and not as it currently is in the picture.... Ach weel, it gives me a beginning point!
I like putting pictures in my blog. Doodle doodle daaaaaaay!
Right - back to Riordan feeling apprehentious. Really. Really. I can write....
Mood: Anxious. Less than an hour before sleep requires me and VERY LITTLE WRITTEN!
Music: Merry's CD, Mary's Eyes a la Gaelic Storm
Thought: I lurve Hugh Jackman's Oklahoma. Have I mentioned how wonderful he is? Silly boy ought to come and work for me.
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