The sporadic ramblings of Emily C. A. Snyder - devoted to God, theatre, writing, and much randominity.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Host: "Hamlet to Hamilton: Exploring Verse Drama" | Founder: TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS | Author: "Cupid and Psyche" "Nachtsturm Castle" & Others | Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghost Ship" (Boston Metaphysical Society)

Friday, August 15, 2003

Never, Neverland

It might be just beyond the moon,
Or right there - where you stand.
It's not on any chart,
You must find it in your heart -
Never, Neverland....


Right, quick quick blog, just to say:

1) Going to RenFest with Jules this Sunday and so picking up rental car rather than attempting to coax Glorielle the Grumpy Sentient Honda Excel down to NY and back, all of which is made possible by,

2) A timely paycheck, which although is DUE on the 15th and 30th, frequently shows up a few days later than promised, which also brings me to,

3) Two very nice pairs of black pants, suitable for teaching comfortably in whilst looking svelt. Thank God! In only slightly related news,

4) Father will be futzing with my laptop tomorrow in an attempt to make the camcorder and laptop talk to one another (they're like in-laws that refuse to behave themselves at family gatherings! I swear!), which means - of course- that editing may (oh God, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease) be possible sometime, this side of judgement. To keep myself occupied elsewise,

5) Saw Peter Pan in Prescott Park in Portsmouth, NH (too bad that doesn't continue the alliteration, hmmm) last night with familia. WONDERFUL production. The best one in years. And I am determined - I must I must I must direct Peter Pan. I mean, c'mon - I could SEE the wires, and they weren't terribly imaginative with the flying, and I'm so darn PICKY about anything that happens on a stage that I generally require restraints on the arms of my chair to keep from leaping up and directing (or at least smacking Julie's leg - sorry Jules)...I was still VERY moved. I was five again and Peter Pan was going to fly over my head, and he was going to see me, I just knew it, and he'd find a way to come to my window and we'd fly and fly and fly and he wouldn't have to tell me how to get there because I looked for the second star to the right and straight on til morning every night and it's Spring Peter, and I'm ever so much more than twenty.

I have got to do Peter Pan. So...

6) Since I'm definitely going to make a pitch for next year's HDW, I'll make that my pitch. Maybe I'll get it, maybe I won't - but I think that'll be what I pitch with. And wouldn't it be loverly! And I've the PERFECT ending tableau that sort of reconciles the whole thing while giving it a melancholic-hopeful Light in the Forest twist and playing off the "kiss/thimble" thingummy. >swoon< I can't even tell you - you'll just have to see it. But it's PERFECT.

7) Going to see Into the Woods tonight, to see DJ, my brilliant Bearskin's voice (the one with the longer, dark hair). He'll be Jack. Taking Peter (my brother, not Pan ;), whom I made study the musical while I was on an "inculcate Peter into the world of musicals!" kick a year ago.

Depth? Nope - none today, mes chers. Oh, except for perhaps this:

Q. Why does Emily Snyder take those silly quizzes?
A. Because they are like popsicles: all sugar and no substance and they turn one's mind an interesting shade of electric green.

Mood: Cheerful
Music: Thump thump thump went the dryer....
The Good Thing About Car Rentals: Weekend rates are so faboo - unlimited miles and I get a nice car that plays CD's for three days longer than I need it! Hurrah for Capitalistic economies when it works in one's favor!


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