The sporadic ramblings of Emily C. A. Snyder - devoted to God, theatre, writing, and much randominity.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Host: "Hamlet to Hamilton: Exploring Verse Drama" | Founder: TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS | Author: "Cupid and Psyche" "Nachtsturm Castle" & Others | Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghost Ship" (Boston Metaphysical Society)

Saturday, May 31, 2008

It's very strange

To be so incapacitated. Am weening myself off the most sleep-inducing of the drugs. Am not a fan of being dependent. Am trying to get into the right headspace to..I don't again? Pulled myself into an outfit a little more fashionable and a little less utilitarian today - baby steps, hurrah. Am still offering it up.

In good, nay, great news - the show looks excellent so far. Some really great stuff we've found so far. Funny bits with flowers and sitting on feet, etc. Looking for the humour right now, esp. at the beginning of the process to ease into the show. Actually, a challenging show to rehearse in some ways, b/c Shakespeare didn't give much leeway before he gets the passions rolling. Ah ca. All good. Cast and crew great.

Never realized how much I do w/ my right arm. Even opening Coke cans. Am getting better at using the mouse left-handed. Arugh. OK, God. All is for a purpose, but I still think this stinks. Amen. For whoever needs it, esp. Mommy Saez' friend. Amen.

Mood: Frustrated
Music R&J soundtrack on repeat. Hooray for iPod players?
Thought: Was outside between the rainfalls, in the very infamous flipflops that helped me fall on Monday, and trying to work on "Bruised/Not Broken" song to get from verse to refrain, and came up with what might work better as its own song - perhaps part of the mythology song cycle? Right now (in 3/4 - what else?):

Pulled in a thousand directions
Longing to soar with Icharus wings
Hubris may make you fall
But better to tumble
Than never leap at all

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I have broken my right wrist. And it hurts. Incommunicando from me for a while.

Mood: Blargh
Music: Mental radio on scan
Worst part is: Pain, medieval torture devices (that do work), having to admit helplessness
Best part is: Having my hair washed for me, awesome family, awesome cast and crew, awesome doctor and nuses, being a lefty, and offering it up for whatever/whomever He wants (lucky bugger[s] getting these prayers!)
Immediate goodness is: Being healed of some of the trauma I'd built up over hospitalization from my youth
Curious truth I've learned is: When I'm in physical pain I become more articulate and begin narrating my inner thoughts and outer experiences to take my mind from the pain. This is, apparently a source of great amusement for my family. When I'm trying not to scream, I sing Italian arias. When I do scream, I try to modify my Alpine voice to my mezzo-forte, and go no higher than middle A - but this still startles the crap out of nurses. And, apparently under sedation, while bones are being readjusted, I ask: "Are you sure you know what you are doing?" I also am incapable of not apologizing every time I whimper. However, my first thought upon being drugged is Romeo's: "O true apothecary - thy drugs are swift!" Proving me a total nerd, even in lala land!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Auditions Today!

Huzzah huzzah! Romeo and Juliet auditions are today (and tomorrow). Yippeeeeee! In other news, Wallace's Will swept the awards (so superproud of my kids), and someone needs to do something about the price of gas because I'm feeling a summer of driving aimlessly about coming upon me.

Break legs to everyone auditioning! Can't wait!

Mood: Elated
Music: Veronica Mars soundtrack
Sorrow and Gladness is: AI Finale tonight. Huh. GBDC. Amen.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Weekday Update

  • A year ago Friday. Exactly a year ago. Third period. Ignominity. Survived. Scarred. Perseverance. Oh, my.

  • Wallace's Will judged tomorrow. Aie. I think it'll go well. The kids are marvellous. It's just volume and pacing I'm squinting at. C'est ca! Come on Sunday at 2:00 p.m. to Hudson High to see the play for reals! Come come!

  • Back decided to give out for Mother's Day. Am slowly recouping. Seriously, God? Throwing out my back What gives? But, whatevs.

  • Romeo and Juliet starts up next week. *reexamines that statement - decides to panic, but just a little* Good golly. Time flies.

  • So not with it. Praise God anyway. C'est sufficit pour cette soir. Faire des beau reves - maintenant, Emily!

    Mood: Calm, actually
    Music: "Autograph" - dunno why
    Thought: Oh, give me an occupation!

  • Friday, May 02, 2008

    Musical Theatre Fangirl Glee

    Someone's favorite performance was also Music of the Night!

    In other news, had my last class Wednesday, but don't feel in the least that I'm on break. Probably has something to do with rehearsing Wallace's Will and prepping Romeo and Juliet. I miss Julie. The end.

    Mood: Actually, surprisingly fahbulous.
    Music: "I'm Alive" by - do I really need to spell it out for you?
    Thought: For those wanting to read every single obsessive word, click here.
    Aaaand: On song selection